Dealer messes up trying to deal too fast


Well-Known Member
A few weekends ago I was playing at Casino Arizona at a $10 table with 3 other people. They switch out the dealers from a hilarious dealer that liked to bust to a real quiet guy who tries to deal super fast. I've never seen a dealer deal as fast as him, but he's not perfect. He gets a little sloppy with a few of them.

After a couple hands he's dealing really sloppy, but hasn't messed up yet. He deals a round to everyone, and as he pulls his last card out he does it too fast and pulls like 4 or 5 out from the shoe. They slide out a few inches onto the table, but still face down and overlapping each other so you can tell the order they should've come out in. The dealer grabs the top card and flips it over on his hole card like nothing happened. No one else at the table says anything. The card he flips is a face card and I'm sitting 10/4. The player at first base had a good hand and stayed and the dealer motions to me. I put both my hands up in the air and say "What's this?" looking down at the extra cards laying on the table next to the shoe. The dealer gives me that "Come on" look like he can't believe I'm bringing it up. Everyone else at the table does the exact same thing, looking at me like I'm a jerk.

The dealer says "What's the problem?" and I point at the pit boss and say "Get her over here" and he calls the lady over. She walks up as I'm pointing at the extra cards and the dealer quickly tries to downplay it, telling her no one else had a problem but me. The lady looks at me and scowls, and says to the table "Anyone who wishes can back out of the hand now" and I immediately pull my bet back. No one else on the table does. The pit boss gives me another dirty look and walks away. The dealer finishes hitting everyone else, flips over a 20, and everyone loses.

Was that wrong to make a big deal about it?


hawkeye said:
A few weekends ago I was playing at Casino Arizona at a $10 table with 3 other people. They switch out the dealers from a hilarious dealer that liked to bust to a real quiet guy who tries to deal super fast. I've never seen a dealer deal as fast as him, but he's not perfect. He gets a little sloppy with a few of them.

After a couple hands he's dealing really sloppy, but hasn't messed up yet. He deals a round to everyone, and as he pulls his last card out he does it too fast and pulls like 4 or 5 out from the shoe. They slide out a few inches onto the table, but still face down and overlapping each other so you can tell the order they should've come out in. The dealer grabs the top card and flips it over on his hole card like nothing happened. No one else at the table says anything. The card he flips is a face card and I'm sitting 10/4. The player at first base had a good hand and stayed and the dealer motions to me. I put both my hands up in the air and say "What's this?" looking down at the extra cards laying on the table next to the shoe. The dealer gives me that "Come on" look like he can't believe I'm bringing it up. Everyone else at the table does the exact same thing, looking at me like I'm a jerk.

The dealer says "What's the problem?" and I point at the pit boss and say "Get her over here" and he calls the lady over. She walks up as I'm pointing at the extra cards and the dealer quickly tries to downplay it, telling her no one else had a problem but me. The lady looks at me and scowls, and says to the table "Anyone who wishes can back out of the hand now" and I immediately pull my bet back. No one else on the table does. The pit boss gives me another dirty look and walks away. The dealer finishes hitting everyone else, flips over a 20, and everyone loses.

Was that wrong to make a big deal about it?
Not wrong. But if he was prone to do it, I would have waited till I had a big bet out and just hit.
Also, you can do it - get the pit involved - in a good-natured way. zg


Well-Known Member
That's an even better idea, thanks for the tip. I've seen him there before, I'll watch next time and look into that.


Well-Known Member
hawkeye said:
He deals a round to everyone, and as he pulls his last card out he does it too fast and pulls like 4 or 5 out from the shoe.
This is a function of the cards being too sticky, not dealing too fast.

Dealing too fast is when they skip over people before they signal (especially on hands like soft 18 vs. dealer 9-A where most people stand but BS is to hit), or when they scoop up your 6-card 21 because they added wrong.

You're always within your rights to call the pit over, and you did get a free backout of a bad hand. But I gotta warn you, you aren't making friends by slowing down the game like that. If you don't mind snarky remarks from the other players, you did the right thing.


Well-Known Member
One additional dealer problem here

You state that when 4-5 cards came out of the shoe at once the dealer pulled the proper card and then turned it over on top of his hole card.
If this is actually what he did and if casino Arizona is like most every other casino, he broke procedure by turning the second card over and not the first.

This in itself is enough to have a hand cancelled and the dealer to be written up as it can be a method of cheating but probably, in this case, a quick nervous move after several cards coming out of the shoe at once.

If you ever have a dealer who does this on some but not all hands then study just what kind of first card he actually has whenever he turns the second card. You might see a way of beating him and also might just pick a time where you have a big bet and horrible hand to bring this up to the pit.



Well-Known Member
personally in this case i would not have called the pit in. and in the future given their reaction i would reserve it for worse case scenarios.

i have called the pit in when a dealer mis-deals a round, skips me over when i wanted a hit, etc. but i always do it in a polite manner, and i always try to stay on good terms with the dealer over it....

if he is such a sloppy dealer keep an eye out for him, i would recommend sitting at first base. if he ever deals himself too many cards, that is when you call in the pit, especially if one is an "A" or 10 i did this once and scored nicely on my bet resize. ;)