Dealer vs Dealer


Well-Known Member
this question is aimed at those of you who have been playing BJ for a while. have you ever noticed that you do better against a certain type of dealer?? and by type i mean age, sex, maybe even race....but i'm more interested in the age/sex part. Or have you seen no difference from one to another?? I'm just curious on how big dealer choice plays in your winnnings...if at all.


Well-Known Member
It hurts less when you have a big loss from a hot chick dealer... but overall it will have no effect on the cards. If you are going to be an AP, leave your superstitions at home.


Well-Known Member
rogue1 said:
the cards come up exactly the same if my puppy were to deal them.
Your puppy can deal cards?!?!

If you can't determine which dealer to play at based on factors like crowding, penetration, etc, then go with whatever floats your boat, hotness, personality, etc.

If you really want to be a ploppy, don't play against a pregnant dealer.

But it doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
that's what i figured

ok i didn't think it would matter, but i figured it didn't hurt to ask. i had read World's Greatest by Humble and he had a section on it. so i guess i should just ignore his sections on dealer cheating (although I think it does happen, but rare) and selecting a dealer and concentrate on the rest of his book. he presents the HiOptI way of counting which sounds good to is it really??


Well-Known Member
hi person

if a dealer is rude or disturbs you in any way get up and go to a different table,otherwise it's all the same. good luck!


Well-Known Member
A new dealer that makes mistakes can be highly advantageous. Remember, when he makes a mistake in his favor you point it out.
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true enuff

QFIT said:
A new dealer that makes mistakes can be advantageous. Remember, when he makes a mistake in his favor you point it out.

Yet another reason why I think so highly of the El Cortez.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
A new dealer that makes mistakes can be highly advantageous. Remember, when he makes a mistake in his favor you point it out.
I saw this once...I came upon it when i was at the casino....a dealer had paid out when she shouldn't have....the guy was making like $300 - $500 bets...the eye in the sky caught it, pit boss came over and told he he had to give the money back....needless to say he was not a happy camper....


Well-Known Member
person1125 said:
I saw this once...I came upon it when i was at the casino....a dealer had paid out when she shouldn't have....the guy was making like $300 - $500 bets...the eye in the sky caught it, pit boss came over and told he he had to give the money back....needless to say he was not a happy camper....

What can they do if you refuse? I'd play innocent and tell them to take a hike unless they show me proof.Then I'd walk out and pretty much dare them to detain me.
A casino is not responsible if a slot machine malfunctions,how can a patron be responsible for a dealer malfunction?:devil:


another good thing about new dealers...

They always seem to deal deeper into the deck. Anyone else notice this?



Well-Known Member
person1125 said:
i had read World's Greatest by Humble and he had a section on it. so i guess i should just ignore his sections on dealer cheating (although I think it does happen, but rare) and selecting a dealer and concentrate on the rest of his book.
Yeah, I remember that chapter. He talks about avoiding dealers with big bracelets or nice watches. That stuff isn’t really applicable these days. In fact, you may want to play against dealers with large jewelry that causes them to make mistakes as they deal.

person1125 said:
he presents the HiOptI way of counting which sounds good to is it really??
It used to be a decent system but it requires an ace side count, which is more trouble than it is worth. Overall, a simpler system like HiLo or KO would be better suited to the current games available in most casinos. They're just as powerful and easier to use.



Well-Known Member
rounder21 said:
They always seem to deal deeper into the deck. Anyone else notice this?

Actually, I’ve seen the opposite. New dealers are often in the “Yes boss, whatever you say boss” mode. They will cut the deck exactly where they are told to (or as close as their break-in cuts can get). The “old timers” are often more lenient and feel more comfortable bending the rules. There are also times when the casino will “clock” certain dealers in order to see how fast they are dealing. Dealers who are being clocked will often cut a bit deeper to improve their performance evaluation.



Well-Known Member
I feel Humble's book is out of date in a lot of respects, especially in regards to his chapter on cheating. What was it, '81 it was published? He, seemed obsessed with dealer cheating, and i guess if he played during the '60's and '70's he would have encountered it far more often, but i really feel that most casino have too much to lose these days.
