Dealer's Break Room -


Well-Known Member
Coffee, smoke and Wow, a loud mouth dealer telling about a "regular daily player" betting spreads or catching two out of three insurance bets, etc. You attempt to stay under the radar for as long as possible. I believe successful AP's must be cold, and have ability to avoid problems. In addition , my solution has been dealer selection based on pen. Immediately place a $5.00 first hand tip and a request to see burn if I can't get the guy next to me to call of it. I know most of the dealers by first name and they know I over-tip. I don't think I do. I'll give a dealer 3% normally of my win when I color. They all know this. It's a lot better to hear "chips play" than "Black Action" and "Max Limit" prior to dealing. I have been successful in buying pen. I remember telling a older new dealer "how the bitch kept cut damn near three decks. Not being fair will impact a dealer's tips by more than 25%. She knows the fair dealer is going to cut between 1 and 1 1/2....2 max in these 8 Decker's."

He's dealing the $25 table and never "Clicks" the tips with an announcement...good man.


Well-Known Member

What's so funny? There is not a true AP in this room that would not over-tip for 85% Pen. What's your problem, just put of few words in order and tell me where I made my error in approach. Not asking much.


Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
What's so funny? There is not a true AP in this room that would not over-tip for 85% Pen. What's your problem, just put of few words in order and tell me where I made my error in approach. Not asking much.
I'm sorry but I just wrote a reply that, not for the first time, disappeared since this new software update.

I don't think your question is funny or frivolous in the least.

I just don't have the energy to re-write it but, obviously, one needs more info to analyze your question.


Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
There is not a true AP in this room that would not over-tip for 85% Pen.
No, there is not a true AP that would overtip for 85% penetration. Overtipping, by definition, is giving more than optimal.

If you're tipping 3% of all your wins (~1-1.5% overall), you'd best be making at least 3% EV per hand, because you can pretty easily get a 2% EV game without tipping at all.

Based on your other posts, I don't think you're making 3% EV per hand.


Well-Known Member
I could care less.....

I could care less what your think. I do know I can spread 30-1 at a $10 table without heat. Yes, I'll over-tip considering no heat.


Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
What's so funny? There is not a true AP in this room that would not over-tip for 85% Pen. What's your problem, just put of few words in order and tell me where I made my error in approach. Not asking much.
I suppose "overtip" is subjective. I have to admit, to me, on the face of it, by definition, it sounds like a possible mistake lol.

If you could care less what someone thinks why ask in the first place since you apparently already know the answer? Perhaps tell us your rationale that it is not a mistake if you so choose.

All one can do, in my mind at least, is get details on such things as how much extra pen is how much tips buying? How do you play or not play each game for how long if the initial $5 tip doesn't work? Wouldn't your unit change at a 30-1 spread compared to what it would be at a pen level you didn't like in the first place and felt compelled to "buy" a better pen level? Are all "sessions" from which you pay 3% of winnings of equal length? How do you estimate at a full or not full table your EV for a winning "session" of which apparently you give 3%? Are tips even subtracted from the lifetime bankroll you may be betting to in the first place or not? Back-counting? Play-all? Just wonging out somewhere? You want to throw in gas and travelling time or comps too? Etc.

So, you ask one question, I'd have about 50 if it was my money lol.

Thank heaven it's your money and you already know your 3% "overtipping" is worth 85% pen to you. Would you tip 2% if you could get away with it or 5% if you had to, and still be happy?

Hop on a bus, Gus. Get a new plan, Stan. Invest in a sim, Jim. 50 ways to maybe lose your money lol. Maybe. Or not lol.

Spreading 1-30 at a $25 table betting how and what and when compared to what and how and how long at a lower pen table?

Just BS'ing. Won't cost me a dime either way lol.

I was gonna stop but, I just have to say I think it seems to me you are a "big bettor", in my little book anyway, playing maybe mostly what I would call tough 6D & 8D East Coast games, and I marvel at what you do. So, if it's working, don't even worry one second about what I have to think or say.


Well-Known Member
I believe it was Fred Renzey who offers to split the dealers in on his profit -sharing plan.The requisite being that there be profits to share.


Well-Known Member
Fred Who?

Right! Some guy once said an intelligent man is a man with common sense to an uncommon degree.

King Kasi enjoy your day


Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
Right! Some guy once said an intelligent man is a man with common sense to an uncommon degree.

King Kasi enjoy your day
lol jimpenn you hit the nail right on the head. :1st: