Let's talk about dealers for a minute here... what the heck. I mentioned about hearing from multiple sources over the last few weeks that dealer tips are down somewhat in the last 6 months (in AC) with the same amount of "action". I ponder this and think along the lines of, "It's a good thing that AC dealers all split their tips evenly or you would have some dealers making NOTHING and others raking it in! Not because of player win/loss though... because of dealer attitude.
It was mentioned in recent posts by others about dealers making erroneous commentary or giving incorrect advice in the "coulda woulda shoulda" department but that has little effect either on their tip situation either. A knowledgeable player should ignore that and not let it bother them. I read something a few years back about Steven Wynn wanting dealers in the Bellagio that have "juice". "What the heck is JUICE?", I was thinking...
Some people were just not meant to be in a job dealing with the public at large and need to be in a job that they deal with as few people as possible! They are not a "people person" as it is called. I see dealers along the way that are enthusiastic, energetic, friendly and lots of other complimentary adjectives--- they have all appearances of truly enjoying their job and what they do for the most part.
Have you ever walked up to a table and the dealer has a permanent scowl on their face that just reads as "I hate my job, I hate this place, I hate you also." They are from there as unpleasant, sneering, bitchy and all those adjectives that are a 180 degrees from the happy peppy perky friendly dealer as it gets... you can't help but say at some point, "Are you okay? Did someone chop up all your relatives with a machete yesterday for you to be in this state of mind?" or words to that effect... which pisses them off WORSE, of course. Tips are down a bit? They're going to STAY down with people like this in place!
For comparison's sake, imagine a waitress walking up and taking your order... she has a look on her face like she would shoot you if she had a gun in her hand. You try to be pleasant, cordial and friendly and you order... "Fine.", she states in a venomous tone after you order off the menu and she stomps off... she comes back later and slam dunks a plate in front of you with it hitting the table hard enough for flying food debris bouncing up off the plate to strike you about the torso and says, "Here's your goddamn food!" and stomps back off again. You are in a state of shock at this point. You think this is just you and wonder if you said anything that set her off but realize this is not the case as she handles the other tables in much the same manner. Would this behavior have any effect on her tip? Would she maybe even have an effect on repeat business?
This comparison is rather drastic and extreme but makes the point. The dealers that I see that are very negative and not at all friendly toward the players seem to be like that ALL THE TIME and it appears to be an inherent personality trait. You can be happier with on of those "fresh off the boat" people that only speak 4 words in english as a dealer than this! I know, I know... now I am being insensitive toward fresh off the boat non-english speaking people just like I am apparently categorized as being insensitive to Native Americans and people from Oklahoma (which is hogwash as I have no disdain or dislike for anyone based on some geographical or ethnic basis). Oh hell... Hogwash?... now I am being insensitive to hogs...oh well.
Some people were meant to be in jobs dealing with the general public and some people were meant to live in a remote area away from other people as much as possible rather than dealing with hundreds of people a day in my opinion. What are your opinions of all this? Does anyone else notice dealers along the way here and there that seem to have the worst possible attitude toward their job imaginable?
It was mentioned in recent posts by others about dealers making erroneous commentary or giving incorrect advice in the "coulda woulda shoulda" department but that has little effect either on their tip situation either. A knowledgeable player should ignore that and not let it bother them. I read something a few years back about Steven Wynn wanting dealers in the Bellagio that have "juice". "What the heck is JUICE?", I was thinking...
Some people were just not meant to be in a job dealing with the public at large and need to be in a job that they deal with as few people as possible! They are not a "people person" as it is called. I see dealers along the way that are enthusiastic, energetic, friendly and lots of other complimentary adjectives--- they have all appearances of truly enjoying their job and what they do for the most part.
Have you ever walked up to a table and the dealer has a permanent scowl on their face that just reads as "I hate my job, I hate this place, I hate you also." They are from there as unpleasant, sneering, bitchy and all those adjectives that are a 180 degrees from the happy peppy perky friendly dealer as it gets... you can't help but say at some point, "Are you okay? Did someone chop up all your relatives with a machete yesterday for you to be in this state of mind?" or words to that effect... which pisses them off WORSE, of course. Tips are down a bit? They're going to STAY down with people like this in place!
For comparison's sake, imagine a waitress walking up and taking your order... she has a look on her face like she would shoot you if she had a gun in her hand. You try to be pleasant, cordial and friendly and you order... "Fine.", she states in a venomous tone after you order off the menu and she stomps off... she comes back later and slam dunks a plate in front of you with it hitting the table hard enough for flying food debris bouncing up off the plate to strike you about the torso and says, "Here's your goddamn food!" and stomps back off again. You are in a state of shock at this point. You think this is just you and wonder if you said anything that set her off but realize this is not the case as she handles the other tables in much the same manner. Would this behavior have any effect on her tip? Would she maybe even have an effect on repeat business?
This comparison is rather drastic and extreme but makes the point. The dealers that I see that are very negative and not at all friendly toward the players seem to be like that ALL THE TIME and it appears to be an inherent personality trait. You can be happier with on of those "fresh off the boat" people that only speak 4 words in english as a dealer than this! I know, I know... now I am being insensitive toward fresh off the boat non-english speaking people just like I am apparently categorized as being insensitive to Native Americans and people from Oklahoma (which is hogwash as I have no disdain or dislike for anyone based on some geographical or ethnic basis). Oh hell... Hogwash?... now I am being insensitive to hogs...oh well.
Some people were meant to be in jobs dealing with the general public and some people were meant to live in a remote area away from other people as much as possible rather than dealing with hundreds of people a day in my opinion. What are your opinions of all this? Does anyone else notice dealers along the way here and there that seem to have the worst possible attitude toward their job imaginable?
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