Diary Of A Mad White Guy

White Guy

Well-Known Member
A couple weeks ago I decided now was the time to start putting my card counting to use. I know I have said that many times before and have been too busy. I will always be busy so I am making time regardless.

Since the Rhino doesn't post these blogs anymore I decided to:

So far I have logged 21hrs of play in about 3 wks or so. Here are the results:

Count: High Low about 30 indices

-DAS, DA2, LS, DD H17 Pen 75%
-10hrs of play spreading $25-$200
-Results+ 10 units
NOTE: at least 6 of these HRS were HU and played pretty fast.

-DAS, DA2, S17 and H17, pen 65-80% Very Dealer Dependant
-8hrs of play wonging all over the place at busy casinos
-Results +38 units

Other Game:
-Same as Above 6d pen >75% spread $20-$240
-3 hrs of play with wonging
-Results -1 unit

Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated. I will post results whenever I get above 20 hours. My goal is to play over 50 hrs a month with average profit of $2000-2500.

Is that goal far fetched? Any other AP moves anyone can suggest? Games are mainly shoe and machine shuffled.

I know this is a very small sample but these results seem to be about what they have been over the past years I have been playing. Although very part time.

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Well-Known Member
White Guy said:
A couple weeks ago I decided now was the time to start putting my card counting to use. I know I have said that many times before and have been too busy. I will always be busy so I am making time regardless.

Since the Rhino doesn't post these blogs anymore I decided to:

So far I have logged 21hrs of play in about 3 wks or so. Here are the results:

Count: High Low about 30 indices

-DAS, DA2, LS, DD H17 Pen 75%
-10hrs of play spreading $25-$200
-Results+ 10 units
NOTE: at least 6 of these HRS were HU and played pretty fast.

-DAS, DA2, S17 and H17, pen 65-80% Very Dealer Dependant
-8hrs of play wonging all over the place at busy casinos
-Results +38 units

Other Game:
-Same as Above 6d pen >75% spread $20-$240
-3 hrs of play with wonging
-Results -1 unit

Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated. I will post results whenever I get above 20 hours. My goal is to play over 50 hrs a month with average profit of $2000-2500.

Is that goal far fetched? Any other AP moves anyone can suggest? Games are mainly shoe and machine shuffled.

I know this is a very small sample but these results seem to be about what they have been over the past years I have been playing. Although very part time.

Why are you mad?
"Is that goal far fetched? Any other AP moves anyone can suggest? Games are mainly shoe and machine shuffled."

I suggest you not play any machine shuffled game unless the shuffle is at the end of the shoe. Card counting is useless against automatic shuffle machines when they are reloaded after each hand or even every few hands.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
That's a nice DD game! My suggestion would be to spread to 2 hands in the shoe game during positive counts and possibly lowering your min bet if possible. $2K+/50 hours isn't impossible (improbable maybe), but of course your results will swing wildly in both directions, with the actual results rarely converging around your actual EV. Have you run sims on the games? Look at your win-rate, divide it in half, and you'll have a reasonable idea of what to expect once you factor in occasional playing/betting mistakes, slow dealers, poor playing conditions, and heat. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
B Jack Trash said:
"Is that goal far fetched? Any other AP moves anyone can suggest? Games are mainly shoe and machine shuffled."

I suggest you not play any machine shuffled game unless the shuffle is at the end of the shoe. Card counting is useless against automatic shuffle machines when they are reloaded after each hand or even every few hands.
Be careful with your language. Automatic shuffle machines are quite different from continuous shuffle machines. If you aren't tracking, ASMs are nice because they give you more hands/hr. CSMs of course are generally unplayable. I can see that you understand the difference, but be careful about your wording to ensure that you are clear about your recommendations.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
HAHA.. Wow it would take a sofa king we todd did guy to think they could count and win with a CSM.

Here is another Update..

Was able to Log about 20 more hours over the last week.

I played 6D DAS DA2 H17 LS mainly with okay PEN

Profit ----around $1200.

It was a pretty crazy time since I went from being down about $800 to up $1200. In one single shoe. I was betting 10-25 Min at +1 or O counts and wonging out at -1. Also spreading to as high as 125 a few times but the count never really did anything good.

Than I got a shoe that shot up to the teens RC about 2/3 the way through. I was heads up with the dealer and just upped to $200 and rode it all the way to a shuffle than left. Is that too obvious??

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Well-Known Member
White Guy said:

Mad at the Casinos..
I'm always amused by the "I'm mad at the casino" mentality. If it wasn't for the casino, there'd be no game. And if there were no game, then this forum would be about, what? Maybe knitting? Buddhist meditation? Stamp collecting?

I love the casino, and I am deeply grateful that they create environments where I can do what I do.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
It is a joke. You guys are funny. Obviously you have never heard of Tyler Perry's movie with a similar title to this post....


Well-Known Member
That is one fantastic game you have. I have to say I'm quite envious when us east coasters are stuck with crappy AC rules.

White Guy

Well-Known Member

So I haven'tplayed 20 more hours yet but here is what I have done.

One 6 hr sessions 6D 9p-3am. 15-200.

Everyone is calling me by first name and kinda ass kissing in the casino and pit though. Does that mean I should lay low or they just think I am losing all my money so??

I went from up as high as $1000 to as low as -$1200 and left up $80. Again, it was all won back on a shoe or two.


Well-Known Member
White Guy said:
So I haven'tplayed 20 more hours yet but here is what I have done.

One 6 hr sessions 6D 9p-3am. 15-200.

Everyone is calling me by first name and kinda ass kissing in the casino and pit though. Does that mean I should lay low or they just think I am losing all my money so??

I went from up as high as $1000 to as low as -$1200 and left up $80. Again, it was all won back on a shoe or two.
Regardless of what they think now, they know you by sight and name. If they change their mind, it might be very difficult for you to return.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
Yeah it kind of sucks. It is weird, I look in no way like I could be under 21 but they still carded me the first few times I came in there and then checked me in.

I have never got a "players card" there but they check me in all the time and give me free food and tried to give me hats and shirts a couple times.

Really it is not ideal but unavoidable unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Nynefingers said:
Be careful with your language. Automatic shuffle machines are quite different from continuous shuffle machines. If you aren't tracking, ASMs are nice because they give you more hands/hr. CSMs of course are generally unplayable. I can see that you understand the difference, but be careful about your wording to ensure that you are clear about your recommendations.
I'm a BS player. Won't ASM's cause you to lose more? (More hands mean more losses) I thought CSM's gave a microscopic increase in advantage (still a loss) for BS players. Either case, more hands, greater losses.

The other reason I don't like ASM's is that they don't let you step away for a (cough cough) smoke. (I'm a sinner, but I'll move away from the table for a puff unless the majority at the table smoke. It's probably about 75% move-away).

As a BS player, my entertainment value > losses, so I keep playing.