Did I receive heat?


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks,

A couple of weeks ago I think I may have received heat, but it never occurred to me until I was driving home from the casino. I'm a newbie counter, played an average DD game, and I was spreading $10-$40. I made a nice win one morning while maintaining the count and chatting up this very experienced dealer, who also informed me that he used to be a pit boss. The very next morning I joined a table with two players and this same dealer actually came down and sat down at the table next to me. I chatted with him for a few minutes and he got up and left. He seemed like a really nice guy and I had enjoyed chatting with him the day earlier when he was my dealer so I thought nothing of it at the time. About another 10 minutes and passed and I was basically treading water with some very slow play with a couple of other customers with a real slow dealer, so I departed soon thereafter. But, on the drive home, it occurred to me that I was maybe receiving heat but was too inexperienced, dumb, or naive to realize it. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Without knowing which casino,I'm inclined to say no.Some dealers and casinos actually try to make players feel at home.If you had a pleasant experiance with the dealer,and tipped him,its not unusual for him to say hi. Smaller the casino,the freindlier I find some dealers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I did tip this dealer on that first day and I genuinely enjoyed listening to some of the crazy scenes he told me that he witnessed over the years. I suppose the fact that he had told me he used to be a pit boss plus the fact that I was spreading without cover had me paranoid. But, this was a low stakes game.