Difference between a ploppy and a fish?


Well-Known Member
Following on from my last poker thread, what's the difference between a ploppy and a fish?

Definitions anyone?


Well-Known Member
mjbballar23 said:
ploppy is to blackjack what fish is to poker?
That’s generally true, I guess. But newb99 seems to want our thoughts on the subject, so here are mine…

Ploppy: Some people call anyone who is a poor blackjack player a ploppy. But they could be just new to the game. I personally reserve the term ploppy for those who are poor players, but still feel qualified to tell others how to play.

Fish: The very first hand I played last night I got heads-up against someone obviously brand new to the game. I gave her a break by not raising on the turn. Then I remembered I had read that soft-playing is never a good idea, so I raised her on the river. The point is, she was a beginner, not what I’d call a fish. On the other hand, there is one guy who always loses all his money, while complaining continuously about his bad luck. He’s a long-term bad player that I would call a fish.

Ploppies giving bad blackjack advice are just an annoyance. Poker players giving advice at the table ought to be taken out and shot.


Well-Known Member
Canceler said:
. . . On the other hand, there is one guy who always loses all his money, while complaining continuously about his bad luck.
You talking about me?


Well-Known Member
How about:

PLOPPY - term used by skilled BJ players to refer to those who play BJ and deviate from basic strategy, and/or apply unsound strategies or systems or hold superstitious beliefs they consider will lead them to win in the longer term.

FISH - derisory term used by poker players to describe those who play poker at a lower level of skill than themselves and where they have an expectation of consistently winning money from them.


Well-Known Member
Canceler said:
Not unless you habitually travel a long, long way to play live 2/4 limit! :laugh::laugh:
Live 2/4 limit? Everyone is a fish at that table :joker: That is except the dealer.