Disturbances in the ~flow~ of cards


Well-Known Member
I used to sit third bas to get a better view of the cards as they come out, and be immediately prior to the dealer, but now i often get excited when 3rd base is open because i get to laugh at all the people who think that me hitting my soft 18 or splitting my tens cause the space time continum to come falling apart and the dealer to pull 21.

Iv also been playing a strategy where at non winning counts, i periodicaly sit out a hand claiming im not "feeling it" Last night this cause two people to walk away from the table i was playing at since one of the hands i sat out the dealer had a blackjack:laugh:

I think its really funny, and it makes my day everytime it happens, does anybody else feel this way? or am i a bit twisted?



Well-Known Member
Ferretnparrot said:
or am i a bit twisted?
Well, maybe, but not because of this! :)

Sure, it's always fun to watch other players go through contortions trying to adjust for your disruption of the Sacred Flow.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
When You Can Grab This Pebble From My Hand, or Wash on Wash Off!

One must learn to use the flow to your advantage!

Be as a reflection in the water while not drowning in it.

I use the flow while not using the flow.

Clear enough?


Well-Known Member
Canceler said:
Sure, it's always fun to watch other players go through contortions trying to adjust for your disruption of the Sacred Flow.
I sat out a hand after a bad loss in a negative count. (no midshoe-reentry)

After another loss, player 2 sat out.

After another, player 3 sat out.

Then there were no players left playing at the table, and the only option was to reshuffle.


Well-Known Member
All of us are a bit twisted

Ferretnparrot said:
I used to sit third bas to get a better view of the cards as they come out, and be immediately prior to the dealer, but now i often get excited when 3rd base is open because i get to laugh at all the people who think that me hitting my soft 18 or splitting my tens cause the space time continum to come falling apart and the dealer to pull 21.

Iv also been playing a strategy where at non winning counts, i periodicaly sit out a hand claiming im not "feeling it" Last night this cause two people to walk away from the table i was playing at since one of the hands i sat out the dealer had a blackjack:laugh:

I think its really funny, and it makes my day everytime it happens, does anybody else feel this way? or am i a bit twisted?

You do not believe in the all knowing power of the Mystical Magical (mythical), Sacred Flow of the All Mighty Cards, and I am willing to bet that you do not even think that blackjack is a team sport, but evilly play to try and win. You are obviously as twisted as most of us.

This strange quirk in your makeup pays regular dividends. If you play at a few places often, then you will find a certain number of players who tend to run when you show up at their table. This results in less crowded conditions and more $.

Be careful though, some casinos will hunt down heretics such as yourself in order to prevent them from disturbing the Sacred Flow of the Cards, some have gone so far as force the heretic to undergo a casino inquisition, but generally they just keep you off the table.



Well-Known Member
What makes so many people believe in the "flow of the cards?" It makes absolutely no sense. The cards are all in a random order. Just very basic logic tells you that there is no such thing. I never believed in that junk a day in my life, even before I learned basic strategy and counting. It really bothers me that there are so many people that believe it.


Well-Known Member
The religion of the blackjack player

SecurityRisk said:
What makes so many people believe in the "flow of the cards?" It makes absolutely no sense. The cards are all in a random order. Just very basic logic tells you that there is no such thing. I never believed in that junk a day in my life, even before I learned basic strategy and counting. It really bothers me that there are so many people that believe it.
Very often in the human experience, logic has no place in our actions. Religion for many is one of those things and the belief in the Mystical Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards is one of those. You non believer:)

ihate17, Grand Muckity Muck of the Sacred Flow


I was told the other day by a lady at the table "You've just closed 2 boxes, you should play them". I retorted "If you want to play them, please, be my guest." She never questioned my play again.

These people (at the tables) need to put up or shut up.

The "flow of cards" is non-sensical and superstition based. We all know that the flow of cards is a random collection that changes from shoe to shoe. Whether one box is open or five boxes are open makes no LONG TERM difference to how the cards would be played.