Does detailed card-counting lead to significant better winfactor?


New Member

I am practicing card counting with hi-low system for several months now.
In general I go home with a slight plus - but I also had some horrible
minus sessions too.

Some weeks ago I started training to remember every card played. I think
with some more intensive training it can be done. So now I am searching for
a system with which can deal with the result of my counting.

What is your opinion - is there a system which can improve my win-chances
significant if I count every card. Or does this extrawork "only" lead to a improvement of 0,0x% ?

Best regards


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone search for different ways to proven methods? 8s leaving the decks are meaningless and 9s are negligible. If you want to gain a small advantage over hi-lo, why not choose a level 2 or 3 system?


New Member
Hello Leonshuffle,

thanks for your reply!
Can you please drop me a short note where to find further information
about a level 2 or 3 system (book internetadresse ....)

best regards