Does this sound like good cover?


Well-Known Member
I was playing at a DD table recently with two young men who were both dealers at another casino. After one round in which a lot of cards where showing and none of them faces, the kids announced "a lot of faces coming!" and pushed in big bets. Of course the count was high, so I happily agreed and asked innocently "Why do a lot of faces coming help us?" Anyway, neither the dealer nor the pit seemed to mind the play and I played like this for several hours.

I started thinking about this as cover, and sure enough the next day at a different casino an older lady asked me very loudly how I decided to vary my bets. I answered just as loudly that I found flat betting boring, but never had a clue when to raise my bets until a dealer told me bet bigger when a round or two comes out with few faces. She was satisfied, the dealer evern commented that it made sense, and the pit never said a word. What does everyone think of such cover?


Well-Known Member
It sounds a little dangerous to me. I wouldn’t want the pit to think that I was a smart player, or that I even think about strategy at all. I’d rather sound like someone who doesn’t know how to play and doesn’t really care. The only time I want to seem confident in a casino is when I’m saying something wrong.



Well-Known Member
waveslider said:
If i make a killing with cover play ..............say i win 4 hands in a row and each time its in a Neg count.......but I still bet this bonus play going to be noticed by the great OZ? It seems I often make big gains in cover play, while i often get punished in good counts when the dealer gets the good hand.....if the count is high are the odds 50/50 the dealer will get the same hand i want i.e. 20 or 21. I get the sh_tty bust handt it seems all too often that neg V or just an opportunity to play the index....okay the dealer gets it and has too hit and theoretically i am hunting for two hands a weak hand for the dealer to bust.....or a big card hand to beat the dealer outright....thus my advantage...what are the odds say in SD counts + 1,2,3,4,5 that i will get the better hand or the dealer will bust? What about DD?
are you a bot?