Don't you just love it when...

Coug It

Active Member
The count goes sky high, you bet table max. (5 x your min.) and the two ploppies seated at the table are dealt 21 on their $3-5 bets... REPEATEDLY.

In another instance, one of them was dealt AA and hit (no, not split), drew a 9 and then hit again (drew a 7, stood and lost). Cards were dealt face down, so no one knew it until the round was over.

Abraham de Moivre

Well-Known Member
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to my right ...

Happens about 2 times per week to me.

$5 blackjack to my right, $5 blackjack to my left, everyone else is pleased with their $5 20s, except for me.
I'm looking at the dealer's 10 up card, my $200 dollar bet, and the lovely 16 I have been dealt.

Sometimes the blackjack gods mix it up, and they just give 1 player a $5 blackjack, everyone else a 20, and I get a 14 or 15 on my max bet, but the song remains the same, as they say.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to my right .

You should get stuck in the middle with me a few times. I swear on a stack of Bibles that I can sit at a table and get BJ after BJ while everyone else around me goes through a drought. I'm sure that there is no voodoo involved here, but these out of the ordinary things happen all of the time. I'm probably so upbeat that I don't realize when I'm not getting my share of BJ's, and probably still squeeeeeeeeeezing by and breaking even.