Double deck (non-counting) Vs ASM

I seem to be having a recurring argument with my fiance. She claims that playing double deck with nothing but BS is better than a CSM. I say that without counting they are basically the same due to the fact that she isn't keeping any kind of track of the cards and therefore it doesn't matter to her play style. Lil help?

MrDelphiki said:
I seem to be having a recurring argument with my fiance. She claims that playing double deck with nothing but BS is better than a CSM. I say that without counting they are basically the same due to the fact that she isn't keeping any kind of track of the cards and therefore it doesn't matter to her play style. Lil help?
DD for sure.


Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
It depends on the rules. DD games typically have a lower house edge than a CSM game, assuming that standard "good" DD rules are in effect. What are the rules for the DD game and the CSM game in question?
CSM: 8D, H17, DA2, DAS, No resplit Aces $10min
DD: 2D, H17, D9,10,A, DAS, Split up to 4, No resplit Aces $25min

We are talking about Thundervalley in California at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Your fiance is right and you are wrong. HA is lower on CSM games, due to the cut card effect.


Well-Known Member
MrDelphiki said:
Would it matter? ASM, CSM, DD. Without counting, which has the better advantage using only BS.
Yes, it matters. A CSM shuffles constantly so there is never a shuffle break.There is a break in an ASM game while they change decks and the dealer loads the cards into the machine. The more time spent on breaks, the less you lose.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Meistro said:
Your fiance is right and you are wrong. HA is lower on CSM games, due to the cut card effect.
The cut card effect is absolutely negligible compared to things like number of decks and restrictions on doubling. Despite the doubling restrictions, the 2d is still better for the BS player, but not by that much. If there was doubling on anything, it would be much better.
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Well-Known Member
Yes games with better rules are better for basic strategy players but I am unsure what that has to do with the argument described in the op.


Well-Known Member
Meistro said:
Your fiance is right and you are wrong. HA is lower on CSM games, due to the cut card effect.

What about number of decks? CSM's usually have at least four decks. Lower number of decks is better for player.


Active Member
I believe it all depends on the rules of the specific games and the speed of the games.

I think typically DD games have higer EV (less negative) than CSM games. Also a DD game will typically have fewer hands per hr than a CSM game. You will lose overall by flat betting and playing BS in both games, but you would lose at a slower rate with the DD game.


Well-Known Member
"What about number of decks? CSM's usually have at least four decks. Lower number of decks is better for player. "

Yes, lower # of decks is significantly better for both counters and non counters alike; although generally lower # of decks also means harsher rules, and the card card effect can be more severe in a single or double deck game.