Double Deck Penetration?


I was wondering at what penetration point of a pitch DD game with DOA, DAS, & H17 would be really worthwhile playing? My thinking is that if they cut off a full deck or more, then it is probably a waste of time. I would be using Hi-Lo with as many of the Ill 18 that I could muster up. Also I am interested to hear any/all views of penetration points for single and double deck play. Thanks in advance.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Anything less than about 60% is effectively unplayable in DD (some will play down to 55%). Anything above 75% is golden.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
You are basically bang on. If you find a S17 DOA DAS game with a neg EV of -.18 I think it is, then that is a better game. Even if the pene is only 50%, I'd rather play that than 8/2 or 8/1. You will see +4TC and up in the first half deck that makes playing the next 26 cards worth the time. 60% is better and 75% is, what, a counter trap, right? ;>


Well-Known Member
speaking of double deck. What if I was to stumble upon a double deck game that allows mid-shoe entry?