Double Deck


Well-Known Member
Im new to counting cards but I have been using the Hi Lo system at a local indian casino just as a strategy. Not really anything serious, but I just want to make sure what I'm doing is correct.

I make minimum bets on double deck game counting +1 for all 2-6, 7-9 0, 10-A -1. Now in a double deck game at what count do I increase my bet? Also they have a lucky ladies side bet, at what count do I bet that too?


First of all, you are using the balanced HiLo so you must factor in the % of remaining 2Ds (called "convert running count 'RC' to true count 'TC').

We need also to know the typical penetration of the 2D game (how many cards typicall remain when the dealer shuffles).

We need the rules - dealer stands of hits soft 17, double after pair splits allowed, etc.?

And for the Lucky Ladies, what are the payoffs: 4-9-19-125, 4-10-25-200, or?

Lastly we need the table minimum, typical #players at table, and your BR size. zg


Well-Known Member
Dealer hits soft 17

Dealer shuffles with approximately half the deck used

Table limits: $5-$500

Lucky Ladies payoff of 4,10,25,200


You forgot to say if DAS (double after splits) is allowed (this is a very good rule for counters).

At the face of it, even with DAS, this is a poor game due to the 50% (poor) penetration. (I beleive when you say "half the deck you mean half the TWO decks).

Notwithstanding we can tell you when to raise your bet after you advise us on the DAS yes/no.

We would also like to know the table minimum, typical #players at table, and your BR size.

As for the LLadies, your version is the superior version. If you are betting $5 units you may bet $10 at +6 and $25 at +7 and beyond. After we answer the remainder of the questions keep in mind that it will be better to make two LLuck bets at the same time. zg


Well-Known Member
The game you describe reminds me of one I've seen just north of La Center, WA. Your screen name makes me wonder if you might live in Washington. Is the game you are describing at Chips Casino?


Well-Known Member
Nah, didnt know that Chips offered double deck. I was talking about the Suquamish Clearwater Casino.

Know of any beatable BJ games in the Seattle area?


Well-Known Member
Most of the games I know of are in Southern WA. There is a good single deck game with decent penetration in Rochester (Lucky Eagle).

I think there is another Chips casino in Bremerton with the same rules.
Do you have trackjack?


Well-Known Member
WABJ11 said:
Whats trackjack?
Trackjack is an online database of every casino in the US (and many others worldwide). You can look up the blackjack rules for any casino there. Or you can seach for specific rules and se which casinos have them. The database is updated regularly by players who go to those casinos, and some users post their comments there as well. Here is a link:

You can also buy the latest edition of Wong's Current Blackjack News which is similar. They are both very handy.



Active Member
Lucky Ladies/La Center

jetace said:
The game you describe reminds me of one I've seen just north of La Center, WA. Your screen name makes me wonder if you might live in Washington. Is the game you are describing at Chips Casino?
I play in La Center every once in a while. I thought all there games were 6 deck!

Lucky Ladies Question!

On a 6 deck shoe at a good Lucky Ladies game with the 1000-1 payout using a hi/lo count, do I need a true count of +5? I've heard everything from 4-7 so far, and I don't want to throw wasted money out there.


OregonRick said:
I play in La Center every once in a while. I thought all there games were 6 deck!

Lucky Ladies Question!

On a 6 deck shoe at a good Lucky Ladies game with the 1000-1 payout using a hi/lo count, do I need a true count of +5? I've heard everything from 4-7 so far, and I don't want to throw wasted money out there.
+4 on the good version and +5 on the bad version. zg