Double Exposure


Anyone have any thoughts on double exposure blackjack- they have it at Stratosphere and a few other places. I know the dealer wins all ties so I've stayed away from it. Are plus counts still advantageous? Just wanted to get some opinions.



DEBJ is NOT worth your time...

...though its more or less as theoretically beatable as regBJ, there are not enough games around to recon good-pene, and unless you have taken the time to learn holecardBS (essentially the same strategy) the DEBS is too fundamentally different. zg


Active Member
double exposure bj ties push

There's an Indian casino in Oklahoma offering double exposure from 10am-3pm Monday through Friday with no alterations to normal play. 6 deck CSM, tie is a push(not a loss), blackjack pays 3:2, double any 2 cards, double after split, etc. About a 7.1% player advantage. Max bet $50. I've made quite a bit of cash but am not sure ho long they are playing it. Something about a $320,000 blackjack player's pool they have to give away. Might as well give it to me. Also, only 2 tables open, so you have to get their early.