Doubling down in negative count?!


Active Member
I was reading the Double-down Index section at GameMaster Online, Lesson 15 (Archive copy). Some weird advice is given. It says we should double on:
  1. A-2 vs. 6 when True Count is -2
  2. A-3 vs. 5 when True Count is -2
  3. 9 vs. 3 when True Count is -1
  4. 10 vs. 9 when True Count is -2
I kind of see the logic with situation #1 and #2, where I am aiming for a 8 or a 7, so with a highly positive count I might get a 10 or Ace which would hurt me.

But what about situation #3 and #4? Is my edge with a hard 9 or hard 10 against a dealer 3 or dealer 9 that great that I should double my bet even though I'm more likely to receive a low card than a high one? I just don't get it. Whose side are you on, GameMaster?

At negative 2 True Count I think it's time to look for excuses to wong out, instead of increasing the bet. In fact, as far as doubling-down is concerned, my policy is to not do it even if the count is only slightly negative.

This 24 lesson tutorial is very useful for the most part, despite little bits of wisdom that I find hard to swallow. If you downloaded the demo of QFIT's Casino Verite Blackjack V4, this tutorial is already on your hard drive.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
It's All In The Math

To put it in a netshell, The 9 vs.3 and the 10 vs. 9 DD plays are more than a 50/50 win for the player, even in a neg. count. Any time you have this situation the stategy calls for putting up the max. amount you can hence the DD call. You can verify this on a computer, or even perhaps, if you have the time, to run the same plays with a deck and try it about a 1,000 times. See if you win more than 500 of them. (Don't tell your wife I suggested this unless she's watching her soaps anyway.)


Well-Known Member
Using basic strategy the correct play for all four of those plays is to double down. Since those are indexes or basic strategy deviations, you should NOT double down on any of those hands at the stated count.

bj bob

Well-Known Member

I believe that the indeces stated in the opening thread would state that these should be doubled up to and INCLUDING the index number (or higher) any lower than that no DD should be made. Since I do not use that particular system I may be incorrect as to the precise wording. (Check the book!)


Well-Known Member

I think those charts mean if the count is equal to or above -2 (-1, 0, 1) or the other numbers on the chart, then double-down. If they are below -2 (-3, -4, etc.) then just hit.