Drunk and Dumb so lets play BJ


New Member
Just got back from Las Vegas, after 4 day there. I just have to share with you the crime I witnessed at my last session. If I did what the casinos do I would be JAIL.

Let me set this up for you. 1:30 am down town Las Vegas. $10 table, 6 decks shoe. Early surrenders, dealer hit on soft 17 split aces 1, double on splits. Splits pairs up to 4 times

Ok now what happened? I walk around for a while looking for the players with a lot of chips. I found it. I found a table with an older lady around 60 or so. Three players at this table. I take 3rd base. I asked the players if I could come into the game mid shoe. They look at me like why are you asking us.

OK, I watched 4 hands and then the player at 1st base colors out. I then jump in. The older lady is playing 200 to 400 per hand and she is drunk as a frat boy. (She is really happy, and money had no meaning)

She has 30 black chips and 700 buck in cash all over in font of her. WOW so here we go. I start low 10 bucks she places 250. I draw 20. She draws 21, dealer bust. She gets paid. Now she tips the dealer 5 bucks and then tips me 5 bucks and the other player 5 buck.

Over the next 15 min hands were no brainers. Now her plays go wacky, 350 on the table, she had 12 the dealers 9 up card. She stands. I have 13. I hit and get a 7 for a total of 20. Dealer turns gets a total of 17. The dealer sweeps up the 350 like a trashman on his morning rounds. This type of play goes on for 1500 buck on the bad side for her. Drunk and bumb in a casino bj table with lots of cash is crazy. This type of play went on and on. I get a few more tips from her when she wins. I just could take this poor play any more. The hand that I had to get up on and walk away before it got ugly was dealer show 5. She has an ace 4. I’m thinking double that $600 bet. she stands I have Ace 5. I double get a 5. Dealer has 5, 10 pulls a 2 for 17. Say good by to 600 bucks. Now, I know how casinos prey on people. You see it every day at every table. If you or I preyed on folks weaknesses like this we would be in jail. I know the odds, I don’t drink when I play. I play correctly. I’m just amazed.