"Dynamic Blackjack eBook"...Review.


Well-Known Member
As suggested to me by ZG, that I should not only buy, but also review this eBook FBO CC.com readers, then same shall commence:

Title: Dynamic Blackjack eBook.
Author: Richard Reid.
Publisher EBJ Enterprises.
Order: (Dead link: http://www.extremebj.com) _www.extremebj.com_
Price: $39.95 Canadian ($25. US)...NO S/H.

"Dynamic Blackjack eBook" cost me $25., and should profit me about $25,000. over the next 2 years, presuming I can continue my $15,000. Bankroll, $10. minimum bets, etc. To me, at least, the 2-tiered/multi-level betting system is UNIQUE!.


-----A BEGINNER...you should buy this eBook, read it several times, then buy several of the Basic books, master same, then return to this eBook for the purpose of refinement.

-----A B.S. PLOPPY...same as above.

-----A Semi-Expert...I thought I was...but now, read it, learn it.

-----You Think You are an Expert...same as above.

-----You Are an Expert...You probably do not need this eBook.


-----Hard to Print...even my teenage Son had trouble.

-----Some "Coloured" Charts do not "print off" in color.

-----No Background info. on the author.

-----B.S. is presented as a "given", without justification for same.

-----eBook Presumes that reader will know why CC'ing is GOOD.

-----eBook Presumes that reader will know why TC is needed.

-----All examples presume 6D and LS...excluding LVC Liberal Game, not

usually present in the "real world".

-----"Drop-ins"...lots of things just drop-in, with acceptance presumed,

such as: cSCORE, Ill.18, etc.


-----Rapid Response to problems!

-----Very Pleasant to View this eBook.

-----Ability to "jump" via tabs to areas desired.

-----Generally well-written.

-----NO EGO TRIPS...credit is given where due.

-----Gives good basis for the Counting System that is promoted.

-----Suggests and/or gives choices as to "Indicies" that one will use.

-----Finally, some #'s for ROR that I can understand.

-----Excellent Buy-in Suggestions.

-----AND Lots of other good suggestions.

Noting above, you should buy this book ONLY for Chapter 8...increase your bets in a negative count and in a positive count, or leave them the same, etc.

Positive value is available in this system.


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
What are the security features of this eBook? Do you need a key that will only work on your PC to read it, or can you send it around the world and get your money back? ;>

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Encrypted Key-Lock per PC/SW

Pretty sure that you can use it on any PC as long as you have the code along with the software. SBA is like that. Stephen King published a book chapter by chapter like this, but went back to ink and paper pretty fast. My shop teacher used to tell the class "locks only keep honset people out." ;> I've been looking into this technology for my next book and I am a still not impressed.