early surrender + no hole card game , what BS


Well-Known Member
according to the bs table for this game

77 88 vs dealer 10 should be surrender
AA vs dealer A should be hit
11 vs dealer 10 should be hit

so if the casino offer some more advantage
such as if the player double , but the dealer finally got a blackjack , they will only take your original bet , then what should be changed ??

and if they offer one more , spilt then dealer blackjack , also take your original bet only , then what more should be changed ??

(the casino dont offer surrender for dealer Ace up)


Well-Known Member
If u only lose original bets only at a dealer blackjack u should put your BS as if u were playing a Hole card game where the dealer peeks. They do it the same way in my casion.

The surrender rule sounds like the same kind of rule that they have in the casino that I play the most.
I use this BS:


U just have to remember that u should surrender 14-16 against a ten and 16 against a 9

If the dealer doesn't hit S17 at your casino u have to change the BS from the one I am using. and if so I think u have found yourself a great game


Well-Known Member
but no surrender against dealer ACE up

and its CSM

i dont think its very good , how much house edge is it ?


Well-Known Member
I have never played with CSM so I am sad(maybe not) that I don't really know hoe it work or how it would change the houseadvandage.

I am also quite new to blackjack but from what i understand You would have to be very lucky to find a game with early surrender that allows you to surrender against aces. It is still a rreally good rule though and lowers the house edge with around 0,25%.
I play a game with similar rules as you. I only lose original bets when I split and double if the dealer get a blackjack.
I have the same surrender rule as above, H17, 6decks, DAS, resplit to 4 hands(except aces) and double on any two cards.

If you don' count the modified early surrender rule the house will have an advantage of 0,66%(as you can see in the link from my last post) and with it it will get down to 0,40% or so. This is with my rules as I described them above. I don't know how CSM will change this or if it is exactly the same for you as you haven't told me the exact rules.