You save more than you think!
These fluorsent bulbs last for about 8,000-10,000 hours compared to 1,000 hours for a regular bulb. Taking the low end of the spectrum for just one light bulb lasting 8,000*100=800,000 watts or 800 kilo watt hours. Costing you $80. If you used the same Fluorsent light bulb you would use
8,000*25=200,000 or 200 kilo watts hours of elecrity costing you only $20 in electricty, saving you $60 per light bulb. In california a kilowatt hour cost 20 cents so my savings are twice as much as that. Besides that is only one light bulb when you consider the average american home can have between 50-100 light sprockets the savings really add up. Considering these light bulbs last for 5 years or more on average the per day savings would only average about 3 cents a day per bulb. But look at it like this at least you won't have to keep changing your light bulbs. Not to mention you will have less of an enviromental impact personally and that is satisfiying.