Easy card counting question..


New Member
Hi all,

Just a quick question. If your playing at a large table and somebody is trying to count cards, how does this work if the other people don't show their cards?

At casino's do all the other players always show their cards?, even if they bust?

Only need 1 person saying bust and throwing in cards face down to ruin the count?

How does that work? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
dapppy said:
Hi all,

Just a quick question. If your playing at a large table and somebody is trying to count cards, how does this work if the other people don't show their cards?

At casino's do all the other players always show their cards?, even if they bust?

Only need 1 person saying bust and throwing in cards face down to ruin the count?

How does that work? Thanks.
Players always have to show their cards even if they bust. If it is a shoe game cards are dealt face up, so you will see everyones cards right away. Usually it's only SD and DD where cards are dealt face down you will still be able to see the cards by the end of the round.


Well-Known Member
dapppy said:
Answers my question:)
You can also use an advanced technique during the round of play known as counting by inference.

Assuming you dont immedieatly see the other players cards. You can approximate what their holding, by wether they hit or stand.

1. If they stand against a strong card. Temporarily count it as -2.

2. If their hit cards equal 10 or more against any up card.{for these are dealt up] Temporarily count it as +2.

Note: In the begining the aces will trip you up a little. But in practice, you'll firgure it out. If you use a level 1 count the values would be half.