Eating Cards in Bad Count


Active Member
Say you are playing DD, wonging out some in the last part of some decks in bad count situations for phone, etc., but also playing through some bad counts. If your minimum bet is $50, is it better to spread to 2-25 to eat up cards and get through the bad count faster (trying to bring an end to the bad situation)? Does this help your EV slightly?

Also, even if you are avoiding routinely spreading to 2 hands in good counts since it may attract heat, in a situation where the count is huge and you know the last hand is about to be dealt, is it better to spread to 2 hands (at 70% of max bet each) to snag more good cards? Also help EV slightly?


bj42 said:
Say you are playing DD, wonging out some in the last part of some decks in bad count situations for phone, etc., but also playing through some bad counts. If your minimum bet is $50, is it better to spread to 2-25 to eat up cards and get through the bad count faster (trying to bring an end to the bad situation)? Does this help your EV slightly?

Also, even if you are avoiding routinely spreading to 2 hands in good counts since it may attract heat, in a situation where the count is huge and you know the last hand is about to be dealt, is it better to spread to 2 hands (at 70% of max bet each) to snag more good cards? Also help EV slightly?
Yes and yes. zg


Well-Known Member
bj42 said:
If your minimum bet is $50, is it better to spread to 2-25 to eat up cards and get through the bad count faster (trying to bring an end to the bad situation)? Does this help your EV slightly?
Yes, it will improve your hourly EV somewhat. Spreading to 2 hands also reduces your risk a bit. But the main benefit is burning through that negative situation faster so that you can play more hands per hour.

bj42 said:
…in a situation where the count is huge and you know the last hand is about to be dealt, is it better to spread to 2 hands (at 70% of max bet each) to snag more good cards? Also help EV slightly?
Yes. Getting more money on the table in + counts is a big bonus, especially in this case where you aren’t losing any penetration because of it.



Well-Known Member
bj42 said:
Say you are playing DD, wonging out some in the last part of some decks in bad count situations for phone, etc., but also playing through some bad counts. If your minimum bet is $50, is it better to spread to 2-25 to eat up cards and get through the bad count faster (trying to bring an end to the bad situation)?
Yes -- but just remember that whatever your min-max spread ratio was before, it will now appear to be wider than that.


Well-Known Member
So are we saying in the moderate counts to play one hand and to play two hands in the high + or - counts? I just can't see betting more when the count is really bad.


Well-Known Member
Knox said:
So are we saying in the moderate counts to play one hand and to play two hands in the high + or - counts? I just can't see betting more when the count is really bad.
In the example above he isn't betting more money during negative counts. Instead of 1 hands of $50 he is betting 2 hands of $25. It's the same amount of money but he's using up more cards and reducing his risk.

If you have to put more money on the table to play multiple hands then there will be a point where the lower EV can't be compensated for by getting more positive hands per hour. It would be interesting to see someone investigate that...
