Say you are playing DD, wonging out some in the last part of some decks in bad count situations for phone, etc., but also playing through some bad counts. If your minimum bet is $50, is it better to spread to 2-25 to eat up cards and get through the bad count faster (trying to bring an end to the bad situation)? Does this help your EV slightly?
Also, even if you are avoiding routinely spreading to 2 hands in good counts since it may attract heat, in a situation where the count is huge and you know the last hand is about to be dealt, is it better to spread to 2 hands (at 70% of max bet each) to snag more good cards? Also help EV slightly?
Also, even if you are avoiding routinely spreading to 2 hands in good counts since it may attract heat, in a situation where the count is huge and you know the last hand is about to be dealt, is it better to spread to 2 hands (at 70% of max bet each) to snag more good cards? Also help EV slightly?