effect of spreading hands


New Member
currently I play with a spread of $25-$200. If I went to 4 hands of $5-$50 with the same counts what would be the effect on my hourly earnings, st dev, heat? I was thinking hourly would be mostly unchanged. St Dev cut in half and heat possibly increase?

You're better off playing 1 hand at negative EV counts. That way the dealer and other players at the table will be eating them up with you. Spreading to multiple hands definitely helps your SD but there's a quickly diminishing return on it. Remember there's only one dealer hand and if he catches a face blackjack or pulls a 21 out of his ass on a high count 4 hands are only incrementally better than one. Most players increase their total bet when playing multiple hands giving you a higher win rate at the same risk of ruin. This is the best part about multiple hands.

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member
one other point

If you play SD games, and they are dealt to RO6 or RO7, then playing more than one hand can improve your EV. For example, heads-up with RO6, will see 10 hands dealt, five rounds to you and the dealer, for 26 cards total or 50% penetration. Spreading to two hands makes 4 rounds to 3 players (counting the dealer) which is almost 6 more cards dealt. Spreading to 3 hands doesn't improve things further as you get 3 rounds to 4 players counting the dealer, which is no better than 2 hands.

The extra penetration at SD can make a significant difference since it increases by more than 10%.

Of course, normally you use 2 X .72*bet, which means you bet slightly less than 1.5X the money, but eat 1.5X the cards, which is slightly worse, but the extra penetration offsets that nicely and then some.