Einiger signs with Team UBT


Author and World Blackjack Champion Signs
with the Ultimate Blackjack Tour

Published: Tue, 13 Jun 2006, 11:09 EST
By Aria C. Munro
Staff Writer, Publishers Newswire

LAS VEGAS, NV (PUBLISHERS NEWSWIRE) -- World Blackjack champion and book author ("Play to Win") Ken Einiger has been signed by the Ultimate Blackjack Tour to be part of Team UBT that will travel around the world to compete in major televised blackjack tournaments.

The Ultimate Blackjack Tour will be televised on CBS beginning September 16th, 2006 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time right before college football.

The Ultimate Blackjack Tour is pleased to have signed Ken Einiger to a contract that will allow the "average Joe" from around the world to see if they can beat Ken Einiger, the World Blackjack Champion.

Ken has stated that he is very happy to be part of the Ultimate Blackjack Tour and hopes everyone tunes in to CBS this September 16th to watch the opening episode of the Ultimate Blackjack Tour.

Ken's book is called "Play to Win: A World Champion's Guide to Winning Blackjack Tournaments." Paperback: 160 pages.
Publisher: Huntington Press (October 2005).

News Source: In the Spot light, Inc.
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