electronic blackjack


Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me about the electronic table master games that were approved yestreday for pennsylvania? can you track cards? how many decks are they using?


Well-Known Member
From phillyburbs/com:
While Pennsylvania bans traditional table games like poker and blackjack that are run by a human dealer, a machine that offers the games can be legal if the odds are random and one player's decisions do not affect another player's odds.

If one player's decisions do not affect another player's odds, then it must be like playing with a CSM.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing they will be the same system as with Cherokee NC or Southland Horse track. If it is those two it might be playable, but you will have to do more work.

You can check the rules by the sign posted at the table.
Generally, the machines are set to 6 decks.

To figure out penetration level count out the number of 'cards' that are dealt out for 3 shoes. This can be a pain in the ass tho.

You will need to be a lightning fast counter to even consider beating these things up. And you will be at a bigger disadvantage at a crowded table as it will be hard to see the other guy's screen.

First, tho, we need to know what system they will be using.