Electronic Devices for counting


Wondering if anyone has used them and if so your report (good or bad) and also wondering if anyone knows which states and countries they are legal. Or a site where this info can be found.


Well-Known Member
They are illegal in every state in the US and in most other countries. There may be a few countries that do not have specific laws against certian types of electronic devices, but you wouldn't want to get caught with one either way. In most cases the devices are worthless anyway. We've gotten some spam for devices that people are trying to sell and they are garbage.



Well-Known Member
eci555 said:
Wondering if anyone has used them and if so your report (good or bad) and also wondering if anyone knows which states and countries they are legal. Or a site where this info can be found.
Even if they were legal, and even if they were "good", if you are that bad a counter in the first place for some "exact" counting device to make any measurable difference, you should be ashamed of yourself in the first place lol.

70% of the time your count will be a min bet anyway so who cares whether it's -2 or -5?

I guess after you get this device, you're probably going to want the next-generation one that also tells you how much to bet and when, and, then after that, the one that tells you how to vary your play based on indexes.

Later, no doubt, you will also wish you had also bought the next-next-generation one that mentioned how screwed you were in the first place with the perfect counting, perfect betting, and perfect index play electroniuc devices you were already using but with woefully inadequate capital.

I hate it when that happens lol.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine who isnt to bright wanted to get into counting, I tried to teach him but he couldnt catch on. So he goes out and gets one of these counting devices. He didnt know how it would work and i was skeptikal, I tried it in the casino well i kept count to see if when it told you to raise your bets you actually had an advantage. I have tried a certain type of device in which you plug in + and - numbers and when you want it to you hit a button and it buzzes against your leg for the count. Only thing is that when there is a high count you have to wait and wait and count the buzzes well everyone at the table waits for your dissision. I would never use these things in live casino action to make money, i think its easier to learn to count and do it in your head. I just wanted to help my buddy out and also just give it a whirl in a casino. My advice stay away from them, they truly are not worth it, plus the legal ramifications are not worth it.

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
Devices in Canada

For some reason it is legal for players in Canada to use devices at the table. However, it is illegal for casinos to allow players to use devices. The gaming act in some provinces give a very broad definition of devices.

I don't know how this stands up in court. I saw a pit boss in a Calgary casino run out of the pit to stop a non-player he spotted taking a picture of his wife playing a slot machine and made him delete the picture and leave the premise. The cellphone camera is considered a device.