ENHC Blackjack


Well-Known Member
Thanks to this board I have realised the error of my ways.
I have in fact been using BS tables for the US-based game version even though I am playing ENHC :rolleyes:

I have found a BS table on the site here:

The key indicator being "no peek (european style)" - and i can see right away the changes re 88 v10, 88 vA, 11 v 10. I am glad that I found this out now - ideally Dec'07 would have been a better time, but better late than never.

I have 4 questions relating to ENCH - and it would be super if someone could share their knowledge on these:
(a) Splitting A's - in my casinos the player gets only 1 card after splitting - such that you may end up with A,2 & A,2. The only exception is if you get another A - then you can re-split those A's. Can I assume that ENHC BS and ENHC indeces rules take this into account?
(b) Insurance - only 'insurance' available is for player to take even money if dealer has A. I have been taking insurance if TC is 3+. Will the absence of standard insurance increase the casino advantage and if so, by how much?
(c) ENHC material - where is the best place to find ENHC indeces?
(d) Is there any kind of general consensus of how ENHC compares to typical blackjack in the US?

Thanks loads in advance,


Well-Known Member
matt21 said:
(a) Splitting A's - in my casinos the player gets only 1 card after splitting - such that you may end up with A,2 & A,2. The only exception is if you get another A - then you can re-split those A's. Can I assume that ENHC BS and ENHC indeces rules take this into account?
Yes. Those are standard rules even for holecard games. Being able to take more than one card on a split ace is rare. Even re-splitting aces can be hard to find in certain areas.

matt21 said:
(b) Insurance - only 'insurance' available is for player to take even money if dealer has A. I have been taking insurance if TC is 3+. Will the absence of standard insurance increase the casino advantage and if so, by how much?
It will decrease your advantage but I don’t know by how much. I haven’t played ENHC games. I would be surprised if Wong didn’t cover that info in Professional Blackjack.



Well-Known Member
matt21 said:
i have 4 questions relating to ench - and it would be super if someone could share their knowledge on these:
(a) splitting a's - in my casinos the player gets only 1 card after splitting - such that you may end up with a,2 & a,2. The only exception is if you get another a - then you can re-split those a's. Can i assume that enhc bs and enhc indeces rules take this into account?


(b) insurance - only 'insurance' available is for player to take even money if dealer has a. I have been taking insurance if tc is 3+. Will the absence of standard insurance increase the casino advantage and if so, by how much?

Do you mean you are only offered insurance if you have a blackjack vs a dealer ace?

(c) enhc material - where is the best place to find enhc indeces?

The best place is to generate your own. A product like CVData can do this for you available at http://www.qfit.com

(d) is there any kind of general consensus of how enhc compares to typical blackjack in the us?

ENHC will cost you .11% over the typical US game.


Well-Known Member
KObold said:
For the basic strategy player, the loss for the counter is unfortunately much bigger.
That is correct I should have made myself more clear. Depending on the pen and rules it can easily cost a counter an extra .20% and more with ENHC.


Well-Known Member
many thanks for all your replies - precise and clear - very much appreciated.

i recently purchased CVD so i will look at creating my index plays with that.

re insurance against black-jack - the player is offered even money if player has a blackjack and dealer has an A. On the "Grandmaster course" ((Dead link: http://www.gamemasteronline.com)) it states that absence of insurance reduces edge by 0.4% to players if they are counting. I am still able to take advantage of the even money option if TC is 3+, so i imagine that my loss is something a little less than 0.4%.

thanks again,


New Member
SystemsTrader said:
That is correct I should have made myself more clear. Depending on the pen and rules it can easily cost a counter an extra .20% and more with ENHC.
Yeah, pen sucks. And backcounting is sometimes impossible here in Europe because of the crowded tables and the limited number of tables they offer. The hands/hour rate is depressing sometimes.