Evaluate my play


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've had two great weeks as a green chipper.

Week one - up 98 units

Week two - up 88 units

That is after expenses, too !

Need some advice so I can keep playing, though. Most of the tables I was at called out checks play. Some didn't but I really didn't use that as a criterion on whether I kept playing at that table or not. Do most of you get the checks play? Do you worry about that ?

Most of the time, the dealer called out checks play and then the pit boss said "ok" and walked away and thought nothing of it. Keep in mind, that I am only going to be playing at each of these casinos once a month for at most 3 hours at each.

I got shuffled up on at one casino. That is the first and only time I have ever been shuffled up on. I got a tap on the shoulder at another. The guy didn't tell me to leave but it was suggested. Those two incidents are the only negative encounters that I've had.

I had one pitboss come up and engage me in some worthless conversation which I thought was rather contrived.

Black girls seem to like me when I'm playing at the high limit tables. :) They wave at me.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
>Ok so I've had two great weeks as a green chipper.

>Week one - up 98 units

>Week two - up 88 units

>That is after expenses, too !

These are VERY MUCH short term results, and do not have much signifance (other than that it is nice to win).

>Need some advice so I can keep playing, though. Most of the tables I was at called out checks play. Some didn't but I really didn't use that as a criterion on whether I kept playing at that table or not. Do most of you get the checks play?

All the time.

>Do you worry about that ?

Only if it causes the pit to monitor my play.

> Keep in mind, that I am only going to be playing at each of these casinos once a month for at most 3 hours at each.

You can play more than that. Are you playing in LV? Certainly you can visit the casinos a lot more than 3 hours/month if you are careful.

Keep us informed of your progress,



Checks Play!

The "Checks Play" call comes for two reasons:

1) A bet has been made at or above $100.00. The dealer may be required to annoucnce this so that the higeher bet can be monitored and paid accurately. also the casino does not want missing black chips going unacounted for.

2) At some sweatier places, a sudden bet jump (and not necessarily a large one) has been made, and the dealers are required to announce it so that the pit can pounce on counters.

#1 is routine and harmless, #2 is a barring waiting to happen.

One of the greatest enhancements to my game came from overcoming my fear of the suits in the pit. I enjoy talking to them now, and am able to keep them busy writing up comp slips and running errands for me.

Well, when a girl of any color that you don't know waves at you when you are playing at a table, chances are very high you're dealing with a prostitute. And if you're not familiar with these girls, most of them are on drugs and desperate and very capable of theft, robbery, and extortion so watch out. Be totally paranoid if you choose to play with them.

Your play stats sound great. You are way, way above EV. Just remember two things:

1) You will not always be above EV like this.

2) Just because you are above EV, doesn't mean you're destined to lose at some point in the future to make up for it. For those two weeks, you beat the game, and the bounty is yours. Your EV starts anew with every session and every hand you play.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I will keep you posted on my progress. It is very exciting for me. I am going on another trip later this week. I don't live in Vegas and frankly, I think Vegas probably doesn't have the best BJ anymore.

I did take some heavy losses. I took one loss recently that was 1500 dollars. My records show that I have lost over 1000 dollars 3 times since becoming a green chipper.

I don't live in a city with any Casinos so it is a little drive for me but well worth it.