Even money for KO >= +3?


New Member
Hello everyone,

This is my 1st post! I've read the site for a couple of months and thank you all for the info and your time.

Should I take even money (natural vs dealer A) when the count for KO is above the insurance point (+3)?

If the ev is negligible in a 6d shoe for insurance (KO >= +3) should i take it to reduce variance and reduce the chance of ruin? thoughts?



Well-Known Member
cash said:
Should I take even money (natural vs dealer A) when the count for KO is above the insurance point (+3)?
Even money on a natural is exactly the same thing as insurance, think about it for a second.

Also, welcome to the forum.


Well-Known Member
The EV for insurance/even money at >=+3 is not negligible. Insurance/Even money is the most profitable index play you can implement.