3 days
About a year ago on a trip to Vegas. My first 3 days it seemed I just could not lose. I played in 11 casinos and won at blackjack in 10 of them and several were big wins. In the one casino where I lost at blackjack my loss was small and I also had $100 free play for their machines. So I put a $50 into the machine, plus the free play and am playing one of those new (not a good game really) super times play things. Running a little behind the multiplyer comes up as an 8 and I am dealt 3 to a Royal, playing 10 times quarters. About the 7th line hits the royal for $8,000.
Had a blackjack hand on the strip shoe game. Get a pair 6's vs a dealer 3 and split. Land up getting 2 more sixes and get three doubles. I double 10 and get a 10. I double 10 and get an ace. I double 9 and get a 4 and land up with 21 on the hand that I could not double on. Win all as dealer busts but also important what had been a moderatly positive count had continued up nicely and as I raised my bets just continued winning.
After 3 days I was up $7,600 in VP and over $20,000 in blackjack with no backoffs and minimal heat. On my 4th day, I drop $2,000 very quickly and though it makes no math sense, just slow played or hardly played my last several hours in town. That one trip accounted for about 75% of my blackjack win for the whole year.