Expectation Question (of academic interest.)


Well-Known Member
What is the House Edge for this game ?

Single Deck. S17 DAS RSA

If the burn card is a Five (5) what then is the H.E. ?
If an 8 was replaced with a 5th ACE what is the H.E. ?
What is it with both of the above simultaneously in effect ?

So … What is the house edge for these 4 games ?

  • … Single Deck. S17 DAS.
  • … with an 5th Ace
  • … with a 5 removed.
  • … with BOTH of the above.
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Well-Known Member
What is the House Edge for this game ?
Single Deck. S17 DAS RSA
[Resplit to 4 hands for any pair, including aces]

Total dependent: player ev = +.1748%
Composition dependent: player ev = +.2146%

If the burn card is a Five (5) what then is the H.E. ?
Total dependent using full shoe td basic strategy: player ev = +.8759%
Composition dependent using optimal strategy: player ev = +.9801%
Composition dependent using full shoe cd basic strategy: player ev = +.9355%

If an 8 was replaced with a 5th ACE what is the H.E. ?
Total dependent using full shoe td basic strategy for a double deck: player ev = +.7827%
(had to use double deck strategy because in order to input this composition I had to start with 2 decks. My td program only computes overall ev using basic strategy for the number of decks that is input.)
Composition using optimal strategy: player ev = +.8365%
Composition dependent using full shoe cd basic startegy for double deck: player ev = +.8023%

What is it with both of the above simultaneously in effect ?
Total dependent using full shoe td basic strategy for a double deck: player ev = +1.5023%
Composition using optimal strategy: player ev = +1.657%
Composition dependent using full shoe cd basic startegy for double deck: player ev = +1.545%


Well-Known Member
Thank you VERY much.

I needed this data to illustrate a point that I had made but was being stridently argued against.

A one card change can make a significant difference in a single deck game.


Change... yes we can!

But... "No we can't" say that it would be 4-5% is all.

(This is an inside joke that will leave you clueless. A craps related thing, nothing to do with blackjack.)