New Member
Hi guys, I posted a while back that I was learning to use the Mentor count to help me beat the UK game but after much reading and debate I had a change of heart and have reverted to the Hi-Lo + Ill18. I obtained the Casino Verite software and entered the rules I will be playing, which count I would like to use and what indexes I would like to use and started learning it for a few hours a day. I feel I have learned this very quickly (going from a Level 2 to a Level 1 count maybe helped me pick it up quicker). My only concern is that the Ill18 and counting strategy I have learned from Casino Verite may be flawed. Is the strategy generated by Casino Verite strong enough to hold up in real world conditions and give me the advantage? I have only asked as it all seems a little bit too easy to me.
Thanks in advance guys.
Thanks in advance guys.