Here are the results as I write.
1. Age 18-30 25 11%
2. Age 31-45 20 9%
3. Age 46+ 15 7%
4. Male 49 22%
5. Female 3 1%
6. Bankroll < 20K 38 17%
7. Bankroll > 20K 11 5%
8. Democrat 19 8%
9. Republican 16 7%
10. Good looking 31 14%
From these you can tell that roughly 25+20+15=60 people answered the poll (I get this assuming everyone who answered it clicked their age -- which may not be the case).
Of these 60, 52 cared to comment about their gender.
49 wished to disclose their bankroll.
However only 35 wanted to comment on being Dem. or Rep.
Finally, we can assume that everyone who answered lied about item 10, so that 29 people were honest.
The "total respondents" simply adds all the checked boxes together and does not correspond to the acutal number of completed poll entries.
The percentages listed are based on the total respondents. The poll doesn't know that items 1,2,3 should be grouped together and fractions taken from that. How would it? Nor does it know that items 4,5 are one group. It just takes the total times that box was checked and divides by the total number of checked boxes to get a percent.
If you want, I can re-run this poll, where each sub part becomes a monthly poll, and we can go on for a year or so, or you can accept it as is.
Weren't you the one who commented about the boundaries not being clear a month ago? I think you may just be poll-challenged