Figuring EV


Well-Known Member
Can someone please give me a formula for figuring my ev after any given session? I'd really like to be able to figure this stuff out without having to depend on people here. And PLEASE make the explanation 'layman friendly'.

Also-would I find the formula in Blackjack Attack, and is it written so those of us without a MA in statistics understand it????:confused:


Well-Known Member
As, I understand it, your win rate depends on a few different things. Like, type of count (level I,II, unbalanced), # of index plays, bet spread, house rules, number of decks, penetration, and bankroll.

Qfit has a good calculator for win rate found here. (Dead link: _Win Rate_

EV or expected value is the sum of the probability of each possible outcome of the experiment multiplied by the outcome value (or payoff). It represents the average amount one "expects" as the outcome of the random trial when identical odds are repeated many times. Note that the value itself may not be expected in the general sense - the "expected value" itself may be unlikely or even impossible.

The above was taken from wikipedia, and the full article has some pretty good examples. When people say +EV *I think* they are actually talking about win rate. EV and win rate are linked and are highest with optimal betting. I believe you can use CVCX to tweak your bet spread based on the game and your count/bankroll.

The reason you double down on doubling hands is the hand has a +EV and you want to get as much money out as possible during +EV situations. EV will change based on your cards, dealers up card, and the count. BJmath has a chart with the numbers (Archive copy). Making a -EV game into a +EV game is done by optimal bet sizing, BS + index plays.

This link has some info from professional blackjack.

I hope all this helps to clarify things for you. If I'm wrong on any of this feel free to correct me.



Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:
Can someone please give me a formula for figuring my ev after any given session? I'd really like to be able to figure this stuff out without having to depend on people here. And PLEASE make the explanation 'layman friendly'.

Also-would I find the formula in Blackjack Attack, and is it written so those of us without a MA in statistics understand it????:confused:
Opps, I don't think I really answered your question...I think you can take your [win rate]/#hands to find your EV for your session. You can estimate the number of hands to be around 100/hour (more if heads up or with a faster dealer). You can compare this to your expected win rate from the win rate calculator by [expected win rate]/#hands. This can vary because the variance in blackjack can be crazy but in the long run (1 million hands?) it should be within a standard deviation if you are doing everything correctly.

Again anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, it's just how I understand things to be.
