There aren't any shortcuts or anything I know of to recognize pictures that I know of.
What a person can choose to do to try to help would be to get some white-out and paint over the "J, Q, K". That would force you to focus more on what the picture is and what suit it represents.
Another thing you can do is to just look at a card and get a mental image of what the card looks like (again with the "J, Q, K" covered) then sit back and draw the image the best you can. You aren't trying to impress anybody. All you are doing is trying to see if you can remember what the card looks like to you so the drawing doesn't have to be good at all.
Try to be able to identify differences in color or objects in the picture in various parts of the image. In the cards that a local casino around here uses the king is holding a dagger to the side of his head, the queen has a flower in that position, the jack has an axe there. The jack has yellow hair, the king's hair is just blue lines, the queen's hair is peeking out from under a black and yellow hat. There are also noticeable differences in their clothes. These are readily-identifiable differences in the cards. Try to draw the picture on a piece of paper, to get you to focus on what the actual card looks like and get the image stuck into your head.
I also have drawn other cards and where the suit is placed on that card and in what orientation (how many of the hearts are right-side up and how many are upside down in a nine of hearts when you hold the card a certain way? I know because I have drawn that card about 50 times). I have no problem identifying cards quickly and without looking at the number on it and can do it with my periphial vision, I don't have to look straight at the card to identify it. This is ALOT of work but what else can I do on my two 15 minute breaks at work? Smoke? Not for me.
Do this over and over and over then when you are sick of doing it do it about 50 more times. After you draw the picture so many times each you should have an very good idea of what the image is down to small details and be able to identify it even after a quick look from an awkward angle. Draw the picture while away then compare the entire picture to the card when you get home. How close is it? After awhile you should be getting very close.
If I happen to see a dealer flashing part of a card at a BJ table I am already prepared for it and I won't have to see the whole card, just part should be enough.
Or is there an easier way to remember what the cards look like?
Again that requires alot of work but there is no quick fix or "trick" to bypass learning what the card looks like (that I know of). In the end either a person is willing to do the work or not and that is what keeps alot of people from maximizing opportunities. The good news is that once you learn what the cards look like you will be able to identify them quickly from awkward angles and you shouldn't have to relearn them, it will stick with you.