for fear of being repetitive....I would *LINK*


Active Member
call on anybody in this more-than-capable community to educate me on the following matter:

since 4's and 5's are generally considered key cards for the dealer WHY is it that they're no where recommended for a side count? in my humble view an advantage player would profit more (playing/betting) by including these 2 cards in a side count (after the A's) before say 6's,7's,or 8's.

Feel free to provide a lengthy explanation (with details please) so i can clear my mind because it's been bothering me for some time now.

A friend and I have been testing Hi-Opt II (A,4,5 side count) for a couple of sessions now and it's been great in terms of playing and betting. Maybe we're heading the wrong way but we feel that it's more important to know how many 4's and 5's remain in the decks than 6,7,or 8's.

thanks in advance,




"since 4's and 5's are generally considered key cards for the dealer WHY is it that they're no where recommended for a side count? in my humble view an advantage player would profit more (playing/betting) by including these 2 cards in a side count (after the A's) before say 6's,7's,or 8's. "

The 4s and 5s are ADEQUATELY reflected in the primary count - sidecounts are for BIVALUATE cards (ie, cards that can act as a large/small card - eg, 6-7-8)

Don't waste your time sidecounting the 4s/5s - your results thus far ARE MEANINGLESS! zg

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Four n Five Jive

4 = +2 and 5 = +2, and if you have the Hi Opt II down now, I would just go with the flow. IF there is a better counting system it isn't worth the effort. You could even relax Hi Opt II and play Zen. I don't like Zen because it gives the inferior 6 card the same value as the 4 and 5 card to balance the Ace. uh uh.

What I enjoy about Hi Opt II is that it actually helps you keep track of the A and the 4 and 5 anyways, but the "benidict arnold" cards of 7 and 8 in particular can work for you or against you, and that is why they can be side counted to give you better playing efficiency.