For how long should I stay away from my favorite AC house?


Well-Known Member
It's gotten to the point where I see too many familiar faces in the pit at my favorite AC house and I get shuffled up or the cut card placed at 50% pen too quickly to make play there worthwhile.

For how long should I not play there, hoping they forget me (assuming I don't use a player's card identifying me by name in their system)?


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
It's gotten to the point where I see too many familiar faces in the pit at my favorite AC house and I get shuffled up or the cut card placed at 50% pen too quickly to make play there worthwhile.

For how long should I not play there, hoping they forget me (assuming I don't use a player's card identifying me by name in their system)?
I've got to be honest, if I were you I wouldn't go back until you figure out what it is you are doing to get so much attention from the pit. It is extremely hard to get the treatment you have repeatedly described in A.C., especially if you are not playing high stakes. No matter how long you wait if you continue with the same habits it won't be long before it happens again. Maybe the frequency in which you play at the same place is part of the problem. I don't know without getting detailed info on how you play. But I do know this, there are professional AP's that play at A.C. occasionally, that are banned from just about every casino in the country and some outside the U.S. as well that don't run into the problems you've been having. Do you play anywhere else but A.C.? If not you should, and if so how has that worked out for you? I wish you well, but I find it curious that you would be having the troubles you do at the places you play as I know these casinos quite well, and find them fairly easy to manage as far as heat from counting goes.