free $5 match play


Well-Known Member
i got a flyer in the mail from a casino i stayed at last year, it's just off the strip. well it has a bunch of things you'll get if you stay there and one of them was "Free $5 Match Play at Table Games".......does that mean like all night?

that would be a pretty good deal if that was the case, i couldn't imagine that is the case though, can anyone set me straight? thanks


Staff member
A "match play" is traditionally a one-time use coupon. If you bet $5 plus the coupon and win the bet, they'll pay you $10 and collect the coupon. If you lose the bet, you'll lose $5 and the coupon.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick response that's what i thought it would be.....i was just hoping maybe it was unlimited $5 coupons!