Free room offer?


Well-Known Member
My brother (who I know for a fact hasn't played much more than I have, if at all) just recieved an offer from Bay Mills in northern Michigan for 2 free nites. He said the mailer mentioned nothing about his players card. If I called and told them I got a mailer do you think they would give me the same thing? He said they never asked for his players card but that he had to swipe it at a kiosk to print out a coupon when he got there.

I would have to assume it's based on players card but he doesn't want to let it go. Has anyone ever had luck with "saying" they recieved an offer (not necessarily there, but anywhere)? Thought I'd get some of your opinions on it.




Well-Known Member
I got several people rooms at the Palazzo and Venetian about 5 months ago like that. My wife got a mailer for like 3 free days, I called in and got the same, even with no mailer, we just changed rooms.

It is always worth a try.


Well-Known Member
Of course it is worth a try. Nothing to lose.

Just call them and ask for "player development"

If the operator doesn't know what you are talking about, ask for a host.
My thoughts

Homeschool said:
My brother (who I know for a fact hasn't played much more than I have, if at all) just recieved an offer from Bay Mills in northern Michigan for 2 free nites. He said the mailer mentioned nothing about his players card. If I called and told them I got a mailer do you think they would give me the same thing? He said they never asked for his players card but that he had to swipe it at a kiosk to print out a coupon when he got there.

I would have to assume it's based on players card but he doesn't want to let it go. Has anyone ever had luck with "saying" they recieved an offer (not necessarily there, but anywhere)? Thought I'd get some of your opinions on it.


Give it a try but I doubt they will fall for it. Slow time of the year is coming up and they need business. If I remember they check card and ID.
