Funny story


Well-Known Member
I was playing the other day when I had this dealer where English obviously wasn't their native language. The dealer had an ace showing and asked if I wanted insurance. I said (while making sure no PB was around) "With all the 10 cards on the table, Hell No!" (The TC had dived from like 1 to -2 that round as 10's and faces littered the table) Anyway, the dealer gives me this weird look and then again asks if I want insurance. I said again in a louder voice thinking maybe she didn't hear me, "HELL NO!!!" She has this blank look on her face and looks at me strangely before she decides to ask me again in her thick accent, "You want ensurinse?!!!!!" I said one again, "HEEELLLLL NOOOOOO!!!" Trying my best to enunciate it so even a totally deaf person could tell what I was saying. Apparently she still didn't understand and the whole table is getting very frustrated. One man pipes up and says to her, what part of no do you not understand?!!! Finally she took a hint and checked for BJ. She proclaims in a slightly excited voice while flipping over the hole card, "Blackjack!" Needless to say, the whole table was laughing at me.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
I was playing the other day when I had this dealer where english obviously wasn't their native language.
Where English? Are you sure English is your native language?
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Well-Known Member
I don't believe there is anything grammatically wrong with saying "where I" in that sentence. If I was editing it, I may have changed "when I" to "and." I wasn't trying to make fun of the fact that dealer didn't know English very well as I found out, but rather I was making fun of myself.


Well-Known Member
Just a hunch here, but a simple "No" would have been understood, even without a qualifying head shake.


Well-Known Member
...or it could have been the dealer was suggesting that you NEEDED insurance. Maybe you weren't "listening". :)


Well-Known Member
The dealer could have been a Christian fundamentalist who abhors your flippant use of the word "hell".

Being Asian hardly means that she is immune from such simplemindedness.


Well-Known Member

I am aware that you are making fun of the situation, and not basing the whole anecdote at the fact that the dealer is Asian; however, you made it very clear that her being Asian added to the "humor." And yes, "where English" is grammatically incorrect. Is English a place?

I gotta funny story, this guy named thunder was making fun of how this Asian lady talked, but me being an Asian, had to correct HIS English.

And I agree with Daddybo, maybe she was telling you something and you weren't "listening."


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected. Someone's race is irrelevant to their understanding of English btw..

Now can I point out your ignorance in suggesting that the dealer was Asian? At no point, did I mention anything about having an Asian dealer. While we're at it though, I do think, given the state of the economy, it would be prudent for casinos to hire dealers who know English very well since it is a customer service based position and ultimately a dealer who interacts well with the public, is going to earn more tips.
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