Anyone hear of this Roulette System before? These people provide all sorts of proofs of the system working including public demonstrations.
Image left: One of our public demonstrations - we demonstrate a variety of proven methods to beat roulette, including electronic and non-electronic methods. Generally groups for each demo consist of 5 - 15 individuals. At the beginning and end of each demonstration, the wheel is disassembled in front of the audience to prove the wheel has not been tampered with. Participants may also spin the wheel for themselves for any of the methods. Public demonstrations are free although subject to a strict first come - first served basis. While anyone can attend, there are various security requirements, such as are required to produce photo ID at the door. Our security staff will note details such as your drivers license or passport number, although such details are strictly for security purposes. Any private information about you or photos of you will not be released under any circumstances.
This system is based on physics. Beating the casino with physics is boring to me. It's been done many times. Beating it with pure mathematics is my interest.
Image left: One of our public demonstrations - we demonstrate a variety of proven methods to beat roulette, including electronic and non-electronic methods. Generally groups for each demo consist of 5 - 15 individuals. At the beginning and end of each demonstration, the wheel is disassembled in front of the audience to prove the wheel has not been tampered with. Participants may also spin the wheel for themselves for any of the methods. Public demonstrations are free although subject to a strict first come - first served basis. While anyone can attend, there are various security requirements, such as are required to produce photo ID at the door. Our security staff will note details such as your drivers license or passport number, although such details are strictly for security purposes. Any private information about you or photos of you will not be released under any circumstances.
This system is based on physics. Beating the casino with physics is boring to me. It's been done many times. Beating it with pure mathematics is my interest.