getting good comps


Well-Known Member
From one hand to infinity

The actual answer will vary based on your

1) Average bet
2) Property
3) Game
4) Appearance
5) Time of week
6) Time of year


Well-Known Member
sabre said:
From one hand to infinity

The actual answer will vary based on your

1) Average bet
2) Property
3) Game
4) Appearance
5) Time of week
6) Time of year
You left out
1) amount of your loss


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
If that was the case, I'd never get any comps.
They will tell you all the time that "winning or losing doesn't matter. It is just your theoretical." It is total bullshit. 2 guys play the same hours with the same avg bet, one guy loses $500 and the other guy loses 10,000, trust me the guy losing 10,000 is going to get WAY better comps.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
If that was the case, I'd never get any comps.
Trust me Shad .. It makes a huge difference. The smart thing to do if you lose big in a session, is to go somewhere else and get it back. Way better comps that way.


Well-Known Member
I guess the trick is not to lose very much. One of the houses I play in regularly has a 10% cashback if you lose $1,000 or more in an 8 hour period. It's one of the few promos I've tried to avoid.
There are plenty of ways to get good comps without losing your shirt. I believe those are the ones you should be concerned with.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
One of the houses I play in regularly has a 10% cashback if you lose $1,000 or more in an 8 hour period.
Where is that?

And how high are their limits?


Well-Known Member
It's not a secret. It's Terribles in Vegas.
The one time I saw it, A guy at my table bought in 5 or 6 times for $200 plus. All with the same pitboss. When he was broke, the guy asked for the rebate. Pitboss said it would be awhile as he had to go over the tapes to confirm the buy-ins. About fifteen minutes passed and no rebate. Guy asked again and was told it would be a t least another thirty minutes. Guy asked for a comp for the buffet while he waited. PB said he couldn't write both comps.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
It's not a secret. It's Terribles in Vegas.
The one time I saw it, A guy at my table bought in 5 or 6 times for $200 plus. All with the same pitboss. When he was broke, the guy asked for the rebate. Pitboss said it would be awhile as he had to go over the tapes to confirm the buy-ins. About fifteen minutes passed and no rebate. Guy asked again and was told it would be a t least another thirty minutes. Guy asked for a comp for the buffet while he waited. PB said he couldn't write both comps.
Hmm... sounds dicey. You'd probably need to be a ninja at ratholing, and play too long for them to actually go over the tapes. It could be done, though.

Probably not as valuable as counting, and if you were counting while you did it, I'm sure they'd nail your ass for that if they're watching the tapes to confirm your win-loss.