What is the best approach for going partners with a ploppy? What I do currently is generally only jump in when they double for less. I feel if I take their double, when they want to hit instead I am actively hurting them (since they no longer have a chance to hit again, if they have a stiff) whereas when I simply ride on their double for less it's no problem. Splitting is tricky, because you then have to go partners with them and explain everything it entails. What is my EV on taking half of a double w/ an 11 against a 10, or 9 vs 3 or 4? For splitting it seems clear you want in on offensive splits (anything against a bust card, any 10 or 11 that should be properly doubled), but you would only want to do that with someone whom you have been laughing / talking it up with (and is thus much less likely to **** around).