going partners w/ a ploppy


Well-Known Member
What is the best approach for going partners with a ploppy? What I do currently is generally only jump in when they double for less. I feel if I take their double, when they want to hit instead I am actively hurting them (since they no longer have a chance to hit again, if they have a stiff) whereas when I simply ride on their double for less it's no problem. Splitting is tricky, because you then have to go partners with them and explain everything it entails. What is my EV on taking half of a double w/ an 11 against a 10, or 9 vs 3 or 4? For splitting it seems clear you want in on offensive splits (anything against a bust card, any 10 or 11 that should be properly doubled), but you would only want to do that with someone whom you have been laughing / talking it up with (and is thus much less likely to **** around).


Well-Known Member
Meistro said:
What is the best approach for going partners with a ploppy? What I do currently is generally only jump in when they double for less. I feel if I take their double, when they want to hit instead I am actively hurting them (since they no longer have a chance to hit again, if they have a stiff) whereas when I simply ride on their double for less it's no problem. Splitting is tricky, because you then have to go partners with them and explain everything it entails. What is my EV on taking half of a double w/ an 11 against a 10, or 9 vs 3 or 4? For splitting it seems clear you want in on offensive splits (anything against a bust card, any 10 or 11 that should be properly doubled), but you would only want to do that with someone whom you have been laughing / talking it up with (and is thus much less likely to **** around).
You should read the Scavenger Blackjack paper:


I agree with you about taking other people's DD's. Filling in the rest on a DD for less is fine, but I don't like to do the full DD because it costs them money.

Buying half of an offensive split is a great way to make a few extra bucks though. It's especially nice when it's an expensive split that the ploppy is nervous about, that helps his hand (88v6, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Meistro said:
What is the best approach for going partners with a ploppy? For splitting it seems clear you want in on anything against a bust card.
It's true as long as you're not calling a dealer's 2 or 3 a "bust" card. Even when you can DAS, 2/2, 3/3, 6/6 and 7/7 carry a negative EV when split against a dealer's 2 or 3 in a shoe game (as well as 3/3 and 7/7 vs. 7). Anyway, it's easier to get ploppies to take half of your hand when you have these holdings. Just be honest about it. Say to the table, "I guess you're supposed to split these, right? I don't like 'em. Anybody want half?" I think you'll be surprised at how often the pseudo vultures will come swooping in.

It's really best if you clarify before proceeding that you're each going 50-50 on the entire combined hand results. That way, if one loses and one wins, there are no sour grapes. It also prevents any subsequent DAS misunderstandings. You both go in for half of everything on re-splits and resulting doubles for that hand.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
This is always a tricky situation. What you don't want to do is to appear to take advantage of you friends ignorance. Or appear to be a mercenrary or a hustler. Easy way to lose a freind this way or worse turn him into an enermy.

If he agree to your suggestion then it is O.K. I would tell him what the book says and what the "correct" play is and let him decide. If he doesn't want to follow your advice then I would just shut up my mouth. You would still have a freind.
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Well-Known Member
reads on hands

I won't comment anything further than Mr.Renzey because his book details alot of the affore mentioned play. I would like to address the if a ploppy asks... question. I find it a bit humorous that the ploppy asks? I have witnessed many a misunderstandiing of play and pays to the person backing or taking part in the power play. I'm very carefull to even offer to take the action because of the ensuing arguements that occur with said ploppies.


Well-Known Member
The proper way to handle the (scavenged) splits is to say:

"I'll go partners on this split if you like" and instantly indicate that he can decide
in advance which of the split hands will be his to play and which will be yours.

A bit easier is to say "I'll take the hand closer to me"

This way he can screw up his doubles and resplits but not yours.


Well-Known Member
Going partners on a double for less is my favorite. I love it wehen somebody doubles for less and lets me go partners with them. When we win I say hay my chips are lucky on top of yours! I high five them then get my money and my winnings it is a win win! I have never gone partners on a split. I have never been asked anybody to go partners on a split and I have never felt comfortable asking somebody to go partners with me on a split.