Good idea?


Well-Known Member
So I've been wondering if playing 2 hands/play all counts will get you to the "long run" quicker? Also would having me and my friend sitting at the same table BOTH playing 2 hands/playing all counts. It would be played off of one bankroll....I guess it would be the same as one person playing 4 hands, but my casino doesn't allow this......What are your thoughts on this, and would you recommend this? My bankroll is $50k, playing 6D, DOA, DAS, NS, 80% pen using KO preferred with illustrious 18, and my goal is to just double this within a year....Is this feasable?...Thanks guys in advance....


Well-Known Member
Also my ROR would be 1%.....having a 1-10 spread.....would my ROR be greater or lesser playing how I stated above with me playing 2 hands and my friend playing another 2 at the same table....and what would my expected hourly gain be by doing this I guess is what I've been trying to ask? Thanks.
Rspeirsmlb said:
So I've been wondering if playing 2 hands/play all counts will get you to the "long run" quicker? Also would having me and my friend sitting at the same table BOTH playing 2 hands/playing all counts. It would be played off of one bankroll....I guess it would be the same as one person playing 4 hands, but my casino doesn't allow this......What are your thoughts on this, and would you recommend this? My bankroll is $50k, playing 6D, DOA, DAS, NS, 80% pen using KO preferred with illustrious 18, and my goal is to just double this within a year....Is this feasable?...Thanks guys in advance....
No, you will not get to the long run quicker by playing all counts. It's true you get more hands in that way, but the distance to the "long run" (N0) becomes longer still.

You're better off splitting up with your friend, and playing two hands at each table where possible. Your goal of doubling your BR in a year is very feasible, with good game selection and discipline in not playing negative counts.


Well-Known Member
But there's no midshoe entry where I play...what would you recommend? The area I would be playing is in high stakes..there's only about 3 tables open at a time....with limits of 25-500 and 50-1000.
Rspeirsmlb said:
But there's no midshoe entry where I play...what would you recommend? The area I would be playing is in high stakes..there's only about 3 tables open at a time....with limits of 25-500 and 50-1000.
Then you want to play a Wongout game- sit down at the shuffle and leave when the count gets bad. Being you are using KO, exactly where the count is bad is not as clearly defined as with a balanced count. But there is no benefit at all to playing all counts. Your play at negative counts is just a donation to the casino, plus it increases your exposure at the table.


Well-Known Member
Rspeirsmlb said:
So I've been wondering if playing 2 hands/play all counts will get you to the "long run" quicker? Also would having me and my friend sitting at the same table BOTH playing 2 hands/playing all counts. It would be played off of one bankroll....I guess it would be the same as one person playing 4 hands, but my casino doesn't allow this......What are your thoughts on this, and would you recommend this? My bankroll is $50k, playing 6D, DOA, DAS, NS, 80% pen using KO preferred with illustrious 18, and my goal is to just double this within a year....Is this feasable?...Thanks guys in advance....
What can I say.

Probably just me, and I don't mean to be rude or anything, but if u have to ask how to play a $50K bankroll, don't.


Well-Known Member
This is hypothetically speaking because I'm shooting for a goal within the next 3 years...I want to start low and when get the hang of it, go bigger.


Well-Known Member
Rspeirsmlb said:
This is hypothetically speaking because I'm shooting for a goal within the next 3 years...I want to start low and when get the hang of it, go bigger.
Makes alot of sense to me.

Play to a $10K bankroll and see if u double it in some period of time.

Maybe consider $10-$500 tables where maybe mid-shoe entry might be allowed.

Either way, whatever u do, if ur serious, I'd imagine blowing one minimum bet on a sim that will answer ur questions for a lifetime, might be worth it.

But, perhaps, u'd rather risk $50K on the kindness of strangers.