Yesterday I was playing heads up with the dealer. I got a BJ while she had a 3 up. Normally they just pay the BJ and scoop up the cards. She instead turned over the 10 she had down and hit it, getting 4.
Then she realized her mistake and called the Pit Boss over. He told her to go ahead and pay me. Then he gave me the option of taking the 4 for my next hand or burning it. I told him to burn it. Don't know what would've happened if I'd have taken it. I was dealt a 6-4 with the dealer having a 9 up. I doubled and got a 10 for 20. Don't remember what the dealer had down but I know she had to hit and ended up with 19 giving me the win.
Then she realized her mistake and called the Pit Boss over. He told her to go ahead and pay me. Then he gave me the option of taking the 4 for my next hand or burning it. I told him to burn it. Don't know what would've happened if I'd have taken it. I was dealt a 6-4 with the dealer having a 9 up. I doubled and got a 10 for 20. Don't remember what the dealer had down but I know she had to hit and ended up with 19 giving me the win.