Got a free look at my next card


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was playing heads up with the dealer. I got a BJ while she had a 3 up. Normally they just pay the BJ and scoop up the cards. She instead turned over the 10 she had down and hit it, getting 4.

Then she realized her mistake and called the Pit Boss over. He told her to go ahead and pay me. Then he gave me the option of taking the 4 for my next hand or burning it. I told him to burn it. Don't know what would've happened if I'd have taken it. I was dealt a 6-4 with the dealer having a 9 up. I doubled and got a 10 for 20. Don't remember what the dealer had down but I know she had to hit and ended up with 19 giving me the win.


Well-Known Member
Thats one of the reasons I try to play 1st base.Every so often,you get to know what your first card is going to be,before you place your bet.Even if it only happens once,it can be an advantage.


Well-Known Member
One time the dealer accidentally exposed the first card I was going to get in the new round, but I was looking somewhere else and didn't see it. Then he asks me if I want it. A gal playing further down the table says, "You want it." So I doubled my bet and took the card. Ended up winning the hand, and I thanked her for giving me the clue. She just gave me a wink.

Can't help but love this game sometimes! :)


Well-Known Member
I’ve had similar things happen to me. Once I was playing two hands of $50 and was dealt A,3 and 6,5 vs. 2. The dealer had been rushing me all night long (one of those impatient dealers that wants to play the hands for you). Those dealers really bother me but I thought I might be able to get an advantage out of the situation. She eagerly looked at my hands and knew that I would be taking at least one card to finish the round so she reached over and began to slide the next card out of the shoe. I moved my arm over to my first bet, then paused before making any gestures. She slid the card out and exposed just enough of the corner for me to see that it was a seven. I ended up doubling on both hands and winning them both. When she went on break I decided to leave with my 40 units profit. :cool:

Sometimes if you start to give a signal but stop halfway an impatient dealer may start to expose the next card. This works especially well in pitch games where the dealer will expose the corner of the next card when he pushes it off the deck with his thumb before grabbing it.
