greatest moment of my life, bar none


Well-Known Member
So I'm playing my usual game and these two hot cougar ploppies sit down on either side of me. I know one of them in passing, I ran some game on her before. She's not playing but we chat it up during the shuffle. Next to the pit bosses talking to me during the play of a hand this is basically the worst thing that can happen to me, because I cannot deal with distractions as well as some other players. Anyway, the hot cougar ploppy who is playing gets a soft seventeen that turns into a four card hard seventeen which she indicates she wants to hit (vs a dealer 9). The dealer says "hit seventeen" and she says "give it to me, give it to me right up the ass". She gets it alright, and predictably busts, but dealer had 19 already so it was technically the right play. She repeats this line again twice a couple hands later when she has two stiffs vs a dealer 10. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she runs out of money quick and they dance away drunkenly into the casino. I really would have liked to double down there. It was only hours later that I realized my line should have been "you don't have to give the casino $100 to have that happen, I'll do it for free".


Well-Known Member
If coming up with this comeback line hours later, is "the greatest moment of your life bar none", I truely, truely hope with all my heart, that your life takes a turn for the better.


Well-Known Member
uh, no, the greatest moment of my life was being there when the lady hit hard seventeen and told the dealer to give it to her, right up the ass. maybe u had to be there.


Well-Known Member
"but dealer had 19 already so it was technically the right play"
17 vs 19 = hit????????????

Meistro said:
So I'm playing my usual game and these two hot cougar ploppies sit down on either side of me. I know one of them in passing, I ran some game on her before. She's not playing but we chat it up during the shuffle. Next to the pit bosses talking to me during the play of a hand this is basically the worst thing that can happen to me, because I cannot deal with distractions as well as some other players. Anyway, the hot cougar ploppy who is playing gets a soft seventeen that turns into a four card hard seventeen which she indicates she wants to hit (vs a dealer 9). The dealer says "hit seventeen" and she says "give it to me, give it to me right up the ass". She gets it alright, and predictably busts, but dealer had 19 already so it was technically the right play. She repeats this line again twice a couple hands later when she has two stiffs vs a dealer 10. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she runs out of money quick and they dance away drunkenly into the casino. I really would have liked to double down there. It was only hours later that I realized my line should have been "you don't have to give the casino $100 to have that happen, I'll do it for free".


I also played sessions over the weekend with Bus Loads of "Deer Hunter Widows", in fact I was the only man on a full 6d table with them Sunday. During these sessions I heard it all from these women, they were partying hardy to say the least..:grin::grin:..and talking trash, one constantly yelling out with my BJ's that I was Mr. "Long And Strong"!:cool:. The last session I ruled, up over one hundred units, and I helped the ladies win good too, (I was on Game).. and me and the "Team" had a blast! Of course I was a "BJ Wizard" to these lovely ladies and I am sure I was the subject of much of their druken discussion and sexual fantasies on the 4 hour bus ride home:):laugh:

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Well-Known Member
Meistro said:
uh, no, the greatest moment of my life was being there when the lady hit hard seventeen and told the dealer to give it to her, right up the ass. maybe u had to be there.
An older lady talking dirty to someone else is the highlight of your life? I shudder to think what the second greatest moment of your life could be.

21gunsalute said:
An older lady talking dirty to someone else is the highlight of your life? I shudder to think what the second greatest moment of your life could be.
Come on now, Meistro is just having some fun...never mind that he may be a little ...ANAL:laugh::laugh:



Well-Known Member
Yes 17 vs 19 (not vs 9, but vs 19) is a hit - although you probably wouldn't for cover purposes. Actually I guess it's a surrender if that is an option.
kewljason said:
If coming up with this comeback line hours later, is "the greatest moment of your life bar none", I truely, truely hope with all my heart, that your life takes a turn for the better.
Keep this kind of conversation in mind, next time you really, really want to clear out a table.


Well-Known Member
Dam CP

creeping panther said:

I also played sessions over the weekend with Bus Loads of "Deer Hunter Widows", in fact I was the only man on a full 6d table with them Sunday. During these sessions I heard it all from these women, they were partying hardy to say the least..:grin::grin:..and talking trash, one constantly yelling out with my BJ's that I was Mr. "Long And Strong"!:cool:. The last session I ruled, up over one hundred units, and I helped the ladies win good too, (I was on Game).. and me and the "Team" had a blast! Of course I was a "BJ Wizard" to these lovely ladies and I am sure I was the subject of much of their druken discussion and sexual fantasies on the 4 hour bus ride home:):laugh:

Dam it Cp Deer Hunter Widows i forgot about them girls!!!:p:p You old dog, LMAO
Hope the better half was busy with them sizzling 7s . LOL Deer hunter widows gotta love it man LMAO



Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
Dam it Cp Deer Hunter Widows i forgot about them girls!!!:p:p You old dog, LMAO
Hope the better half was busy with them sizzling 7s . LOL Deer hunter widows gotta love it man LMAO

lmao, i wont tell, hey what happens in the 'dream shoe' stays in the the dream shoe.
go panther, rrrr rrrr :cow:
in their dreams, :gaga::gaga::sleep::sleep:
but watch out for those deer hunters :gun::cat:


Well-Known Member
Lighten up people

Thanks for the story Meistro!!!
To the rest of you guys giving him a hard time. Knock it off, good god, some of us can articulate a story better than others!! I know i am not the best at it. Use your imagination a little:).
Hey Meistro how hot were they?????? Short skirts,? blondes, brunettes, details man, details,!!!!!!!!! LMAO

Take care


Machinist said:
Dam it Cp Deer Hunter Widows i forgot about them girls!!!:p:p You old dog, LMAO
Hope the better half was busy with them sizzling 7s . LOL Deer hunter widows gotta love it man LMAO

You are very funny and a great addition to this site:cool::grin:

Ya, I was sweating it but she WAS very busy on the Sizzlers;)

Wise Won

sagefr0g said:
lmao, i wont tell, hey what happens in the 'dream shoe' stays in the the dream shoe.
go panther, rrrr rrrr :cow:
in their dreams, :gaga::gaga::sleep::sleep:
but watch out for those deer hunters :gun::cat:

I know I can always trust you, my best Bud!!!;)
