Guaranteed win?


New Member
Hey everyone, recently caught a program on CallengeTV on SKY about gambling ‘scams’, it’s on at 11pm if anyone is interested. Basically there is a lot of card counters on there, they also showed the infamous MIT card counters.

This card counting stuff really caught my eye, seems amazing that there really is a way to beat the Casinos and pretty unfair that they throw you out for it. Never mind, life isn’t fair!

Basically I was just wondering, how good is this card counting? If your good enough, is it really a sure fire way to take money off the Casinos?
Also, how much time and effort would it take to get to such a standard?

My curiosity has also been raised by the fact that I was thinking of visiting Vegas in the near future, but worried about loosing all my money, so if I had a way of not loosing as much, breaking even or possibly winning that would be great.