

Well-Known Member
Looking through the guest book I find an entry a short way down in October by Stephanie Wallace "who's learning more about the subject"

Stephanie Wallace runs the Las Vegas SIN-Fax (Surveillence Information Network) and is a top surveilleince person at one of the Arizona Charlies. I thought her signature of the guest book and its comment to be amusing.



Re: Guestbook SIN?

SIN is an extension of 'Central Credit' - a centralized server arrangement to which member-casinos upload there entire surveillance DBase for mutual-reciprocal use. Using SIN, for example, Jim Hartley of MGM surviellance could drop me a line that he saw a photo-file of me and the beautiful Michela (Mrs) Janacek cashing out at Mainstreet, and that I had also been at Barona as 'Alan Watts' in previous months. Is Stephanie cute? zg

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Everyone is Welcome ?

She probably doesn't make much doing the 9 to 5 and is ready to "rolla-costa" switch side possibly?

learning to count

Well-Known Member
Hey how did or why did nadia russ register here. Check her out in the registered members list. Is stephanie hot? Is he looking for a good man? Does she want to learn how to be taken advantage of by an advantage player. I bet I could hook her up with some positve EV!

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Nice to see you here BP.

Thanks for the info about the Guestbook. We are actually getting a LOT of casino activity here, much of it is quite candid and insightful, but some of it is not. Now we know SIN (and hence Griffin, Biometrica...) have passed through these electronic doors as well.

Best regards,



Active Member
I'm glad the spooks are interested in learning more! Hopefully, one of the things they'll learn is that passing our personal information to and fro without our consent is a crime. (See CardKountr's article on this site.)


Do you really think a "well known" surveillance person would actually use their real name on a card counter website? I have to think that there's more than one Stephanie Wallace in the world...of course, this is just IMHO.