Guests members and all in between

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
I have noticed there are usally more guests logged onto the site as opposed to members. Many of these members I have never seen before and some have been lurking for a year without a single post.
There is nothing wrng with this at all! not in the last bit the more around the better.
But who dont many of you participate all that much? If you ever had a question nearly 100% of the time someone on here can answer it for you, no mater how weird it may be.

Is there something that turns you off from posting/joining or is it just an occasional poking through the threads every once in a while? I would like to hear about more from the other/newer players to the forum


Well-Known Member
I often read stuff without logging in and only do login when I'm posting. That's probably the majority of guests ..... not silent guest lurkers.


Well-Known Member
I was one of those "silent guest lurkers" for a while. Not that there was anything turning me off from posting so to speak, but more like wanting to have some idea of what I was talking about before posting. When I first found this site and became interested in learning counting, I noticed a few people had started right off the bat with asking questions (nothing wrong with that:p). Most were told to buy any one of the many good books available and practice counting down a deck, so thats what I did. Between the books I've purchased, current posts, and the archives and links, many questions were answered without posting. I guess what it comes down to is you guys have done such a good job in the past, that it helps us new guys to have some knowledge to build on.



Active Member
When I first came across this website I was a guest for a couple of days before I decided to become a member. I used to belong to other forums where newer members would join and ask the most idiotic questions when there is a thread right above titled "Read Before Posting" that answers their questions, so that turned me off from posting immediately. Plus everything Homeschool wrote...


Well-Known Member
Homeschool said:
I was one of those "silent guest lurkers" for a while. Not that there was anything turning me off from posting so to speak, but more like wanting to have some idea of what I was talking about before posting. When I first found this site and became interested in learning counting, I noticed a few people had started right off the bat with asking questions (nothing wrong with that:p). Most were told to buy any one of the many good books available and practice counting down a deck, so thats what I did. Between the books I've purchased, current posts, and the archives and links, many questions were answered without posting. I guess what it comes down to is you guys have done such a good job in the past, that it helps us new guys to have some knowledge to build on.

i personally most appreciate this from new members. not only will good old fashioned research and reading on your own help you learn concepts better (in my opinion, if you struggle with a concept for a little bit it helps you internalize it), but it saves people from answering the same questions a million times. lastly it shows you are dedicated and not just looking for a quick fix.


Inspired me...

Well, after three months of lurking, and reading literally thousands of current and back posts as I worked to refine my game, you have inspired me too finally register and speak up. Like others have said, I wanted to make sure not to ask the same old questions (I have seen dozens of "what's the best count" posts), and I really wanted to soak up the knowledge of the collective here.
The same goes for me. I've always felt that if the answer is already there ,why ask? Also in online forums I go by the etiquette that says if you don't believe that your post will add anything substantial to the conversation, don't post. I have been in a casino twice. The last time was this past July. I have read"Blackjack Bluebook II" and "Knock-Out Blackjack" based on post recommendations and am studying the K.O. count because of posts I have read. I am also going to buy "Blackjack for Blood" based on posts.

So thanks a lot everybody, I will now go back in my cave and listen to the wisdom of those that pass by.


Long time lurker occasional poster. Very new student of the game, been playing/practicing BS for years off and on, started with an A-5 count just to get my feet wet and had some awesome positive variance!

Just started Hi-Lo about a year ago and have been steadily practicing/occasionally playing as "real life" permits and employing Il18 indices.

Like others have said, I've used the forum more as a resource (and an excellent one) believing that most if not all questions will be answered by those with way more experience, and only posting if I can contribute something unique.

Sadly, my one serious request for info in thread and PM form seemed to fall on deaf ears, but I guess I can only blame myself for being a newb, and perhaps asking too much without establishing myself on the boards. I hope to overcome that lol !


standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Ace-Ten said:
Long time lurker occasional poster. Very new student of the game, been playing/practicing BS for years off and on, started with an A-5 count just to get my feet wet and had some awesome positive variance!

Just started Hi-Lo about a year ago and have been steadily practicing/occasionally playing as "real life" permits and employing Il18 indices.

Like others have said, I've used the forum more as a resource (and an excellent one) believing that most if not all questions will be answered by those with way more experience, and only posting if I can contribute something unique.

Sadly, my one serious request for info in thread and PM form seemed to fall on deaf ears, but I guess I can only blame myself for being a newb, and perhaps asking too much without establishing myself on the boards. I hope to overcome that lol !


what was your question?


Well-Known Member
The Zen Zone might lure in a lot of lurkers as well since the topics are so diversified it might bring in people doing political searches and such. Then there could be the casino surveillance personal checking up for info.


Well-Known Member
closet members?

Well I'm glad the members and non who have come forth out of the proverbial closet. I wish more members would ask questions even if they sound redundant because everone asks a different way. Small questions become big answers loaded with info others may not of even thought of. Welcome everyone and the only dumb question is the one..... blackchipjim

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
Well I'm glad the members and non who have come forth out of the proverbial closet. I wish more members would ask questions even if they sound redundant because everone asks a different way. Small questions become big answers loaded with info others may not of even thought of. Welcome everyone and the only dumb question is the one..... blackchipjim
my point exactly! Spoken perfectly


New Member
Have been lurking for about a week. Now here's my first post:)

From BC Canada. Heading to Vegas in a couple weeks and wanted to stretch my gambling dollars as far as they will go.

This board is great!