H17 vs S17 question


Well-Known Member
I would have to say after being in Vegas for a week this rule is about the worst or so it seems. I got my butt thumped quite a few times with the dealer besting my hand with multi-card 20s and 21s. I didn't think it made that much of difference but damn after getting your teeth kicked in time after time with that damn rule I'm starting to think twice about it. blackchipjim

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
The house advantage is 40% higher for H17 over S17. House advantage for most casino is 0.5% for S17 and 0.7% for H17


Well-Known Member
Yep, it doesn't seem that it would be that significant, but according to the math, it is.

And anecdocatally, there are still those hands where I wished the dealer would have kept hitting after reaching an S17... generally when I stood with a low hand vs a 6 upcard.


Well-Known Member
The dealer hitting the soft 17 in a 2 deck game is -.20 and on more decks round it to -.21. So just like Mr. T stated, you can expect on a 6 deck game around a -.52 disadvantage with standard rules (like H17). It certainly will hurt the bottom line of a AP, and after thinking of it Mr. T is right increases the house odds 40% which sounds like a lot when you put it that way.

My local casino has this rule and I have found myself at around a -.61% disadvantage...

Side note I did hit the suited 6-7-8, (Pays 2-1) two days ago... big whoop... lol.


Well-Known Member
Do not overlook pen when evaluating games

In a place like Vegas, I play mostly S-17 DD and shoes, but if you are an advantage player, you should not limit yourself to just S-17 games. A S-17 dd game with a house edge of .19% sounds a lot better than the typical Coast game, H-17 and edge .4%, but you must factor in other considerations. Most importantly is penetration. If the S-17 game with the good rules has 50% pen, then it is a great game for a basic strategy player but a poor game for a cardcounter. If the H-17 game has 75% pen, then it is now a good game for the cardcounter and a poorer game for the BS player, than the previous game.



Well-Known Member

I was concentrating on the pen. whenever I evaluated the games. I did find that pen did vary some really good, one deck cut off in six, to two cut off in six. For the life of me I didn't see a s17 in vegas, as I stated in my trip report. I wouild glance at the table felt on a walk by and didn't see one. I think my brain didn't expect to see any after while on just locked out after the third day. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
Around the holidays is when they will milk the lower limits areas. There are places yet, you may have to stay up a bit later to see them. Are you play all Jim or are you wonging in at a positive count?


Well-Known Member

I usually wong out on shoes, but if the conditions permit for wong in I do. My eyesight is not the best so to focus from distance gets a little tiring. I try to get my wife to walk with me and stay by me but she wants to hit the let it ride or three card tables. I've tried to get her more involved in my act but she likes to gamble not act. blackchipjim:grin: